Компетенции и грамотность: операциональная рамка


(A) Related to thinking and reasoning (also as applied to problem-solving)

A1: critical thinking

A1.2: scientific reasoning (also as applied to E2, E31)
A1.3: information and media fluency

A4: creative thinking

(B) Related to interaction with others, social and emotional skills

B1: cooperation

B2: communication

(C) Related to interaction with self (self-management, autonomous action)

C1: self-regulation, planning

C2: adaptability

C3: learning to learn


(D) As skills to use tools:

D1: digital literacy (incl. ICT)

D2: reading literacy

D3: numeracy, data literacy

(E) As contents (domains):

E1: financial (incl. budget, tax literacy)

E2: (multi)cultural + global + environmental literacy (as one’s interaction with a wider community)

E3: health and safety literacy

E4: legal + civic literacy (also linked to financial literacy)


[1] Problem-solving as an overall goal of an action is also present in (B) and (C).