XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference on the development of effective practices of socio-psychological assistance to adolescents and their social environment "An Adolescent in a Metropolis — 2025"
In 2025, the conference will focus on those transitional age issues that are dictated by the challenges of today: absorption in the digital environment and the increasing tendency to isolate adolescents and other social groups. The virtual environment, on the one hand, forms a multiplicity of contacts, intersections of different environments and cultures, while at the same time the physical presence and cohesion of people and the interaction of generations are reduced in real life. Educational, family, and urban contexts of adolescents’ growing up are fragmented, forming separate “reality bubbles”. Contradictions between generations, representatives of different social, age and professional groups are increasing.
The adolescent today faces a fragmented reality and unknown. Modern problems of the transition age can be understood and described in an interdisciplinary way, in the conditions of dialogue between practitioners and scientists, harmonization of the inner world and the external environment, synchronization of efforts of representatives from the spheres of psychology, medicine, education, IT. An important task of the conference is to analyze and forecast potential changes and challenges in the sphere of growing up, upbringing and education.
This time we decided to make the sections more practice-oriented and to accompany the presentation of papers with recommendations, useful sources for solving difficulties faced by professionals working with adolescents, as well as plan more diverse formats of participation: oral presentations, workshops and posters.
The working languages of the conference are Russian and English.
The main focus areas of the conference are:
- Mental and physical health challenges during adolescence
- Complexities and resources of the modern family structure
- Educational space of modern adolescents
- Approaches, technologies and programs of psychological assistance to adolescents with various forms of antisocial risk behavior and prevention of aggressive, suicidal, deviant, risk behavior
- Tools of psychological counseling, socio-psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to adolescents, including those affected by the consequences of acute trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, forced migrants, assistance to adolescents and families in war conditions
- Research on the cognitive, emotional, social, and physiological development of adolescents and young adults
- Digital socialization and the role of gadgets in adolescent development
- Adolescent, teacher, psychologist in the educational system — interaction and roles
- Volunteer activities, social and public activity in “teenage” and youth projects
- Lifestyle and leisure of adolescents and families with adolescents
- Media, social networks, information environment and adolescents
- Professional development and support for professionals working with adolescents in the field of psychology, education and upbringing
- Vocational guidance and profiling in schools, in the family, in additional education
Important dates
- February 15, 2025 — end of early registration with the organizational fee of 2000 rubles.
- February 15, 2025 — deadline for applications for the Young Professionals Support Contest.
- March 15, 2025 — results of the Young Professionals Support Contest.
- March 15, 2025 — deadline for applications for presentations and workshops and articles for publication in the Proceedings.
- March 25, 2025 — feedback on applications for papers and workshops from the conference program committee.
- April 4, 2025 — deadline for applications for participation as attendees.
The conference will take place at the Institute of Education HSE University at Potapovsky Lane, 16c10, Moscow.
To participate in the conference, please write to the following email: ioe_hse@hse.ru.