Семинар «Измерения в социальных науках»
Следующий семинар пройдет 10 апреля:
The topic of the seminar: Rater Effects and Their Influence in Open-Ended Assessments
Carol Myford, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, USA
Annotation: When raters evaluate students' products and performances, there are a number of problems that might arise. The act of rating is not a clear-cut,systematic process that raters carry out in an identical fashion.Unfortunately, a number of factors can influence their judgment processes,causing distortions in the ratings and compromising their quality. Such rater effects, if left unchecked, can seriously threaten the validity of ratings. In this presentation, we will examine some of those rater effects and discuss how researchers can use a many-facet Rasch measurement approach to monitor rater performance.
Ссылка на регистрацию: https://cmko.timepad.ru/event/468055/
Подробнее о докладчике:
Carol Myford, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, USA: http://education.uic.edu/content/carol-myford-phd
Язык семинара: английский
Место проведения: Институт образования НИУ ВШЭ, Потаповский переулок д. 16, стр. 10, ауд. 309
Начало семинара 17:00
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