New Trends in the Organisation of Emotional Life as a Key Context for Human Enhancement Technologies
The massification of ‘human enhancement’ technologies, occurring in the context of rapid social, cultural, institutional, and economic change, entails a rapid change in the contemporary human living environment, which carries both risks and opportunities. The existing literature on human enhancement focuses primarily on the ethical challenges of this change because its most visible effects are ethical conflicts and collisions, which manifest themselves in high-intensity emotional and affective social processes. Ethics, in turn, is also undergoing change, primarily in the form of its ‘naturalisation’ and ‘cognitivisation’ tendencies as a result of a series of cognitive turns in the behavioural sciences. Thus, both ‘human enhancement’ as a subject of ethical evaluation and the ‘optics’ of this evaluation are subject to change.
From a sociological perspective, the most important thing happens between these two points: specific cultural and social processes in which emotions play a leading role.
In turn, the main global trend of modernity in terms of these processes is the spread of a new emotional mode of living that prioritises emotions and forms of control over them, and the emotional styles associated with them. This mode is manifested in the proliferation of trends such as therapeutic discourse, self-help culture, and self-care practices and techniques. The culture of emotional sensitivity, which has changed the meaning of landscapes of many Western countries, is currently actively developing in Russia.
In this study, we focus on exploring the effects of human enhancement through the prism of the spread of new trends in the organisation of emotional life. Technologies that can enhance people and help them respond to the key challenges of the era are not unconditional benefits: on the contrary, their implementation often entails serious problems and risks. Turning them into opportunities requires sound scientific knowledge of how these technologies are embedded in the contexts of social life, the key among which are cultural and emotional structures of perception. A new emotional sensitivity is one of the key conditions for embedding human enhancement technologies in modern life.
Finding empirical solutions to the tasks will require studying both the above trends and the key cases related to them. As such, we have chosen the problems of biotechnology implementation in the example of COVID-19 vaccination, the contours of the spread of healthy lifestyles as self-care techniques, and the phenomenon of health coaching as a technology of life organisation. Regarding the theoretical side, this will require the construction of a model of the emotion (cathectic) dimension of culture. The methodological arsenal of the research will include a wide range of methods: quantitative analysis of survey data, qualitative analysis of interviews (including expert interviews) and focus groups, as well as text-mining techniques.
Empirical Research
Definition of Human Enhancement
Conceptualising and operationalising the concept of ‘human enhancement’. Exploring how ‘human enhancement’ is defined, what theories explore the concept, and what might be proposed as a working definition (representation).
Working Group
New Forms of Health Care
To study the phenomenon and features of health-coaching institutionalisation in the modern Russian field. To study and characterise the contours of global trends in the organisation of emotional life in Russia, namely the development of health coaching and healthy lifestyle in the sociological coordinate system. To study the influence of new emotional styles on the scenarios of adaptation to global changes and shocks of modernity (including the contours of the spread of healthy lifestyle; practices of self-care (eg, health consultations) and techniques of life organisation).
Working Group
Ilya Peresedov
Elena Berdysheva
Modern Emotional Modes
To examine the specific features of the modern emotional mode through a range of methods of textual data mining and social media analysis. To trace the proliferation of therapeutic discourse, the culture of emotional sensitivity, and the culture of self-help in the sociological coordinate system.
Working Group
Olga Logunova
School of Integrated Communications: Associate Professor
Attitudes to COVID Vaccination
To study the practices and attitudes of contemporary Russian youth regarding COVID-vaccination through the prism of individual and environmental factors (the role of socioeconomic status and social environment). To study the role of collective perceptions of coronavirus in the decision to vaccinate as a problem of legitimisation of human enhancement biotechnologies.
Working Group
Peter Meylakhs
International Centre for Health Economics, Management and Policy: Senior Research Fellow
Ekaterina Aleksandrova
International Centre for Health Economics, Management and Policy: Senior Research Fellow
Anastasia Kapuza
International Laboratory for Evaluation of Practices and Innovations in Education: Research Fellow
Thematic Reviews
This review report will explore the complex and non-obvious mechanisms of how human enhancement technologies can help human beings cope with the challenges of the era. The report will also make it possible to predict potential barriers to the spread of human enhancement technologies. Overcoming challenges and facilitating human enhancement requires understanding the risks to be avoided, as well as the nature and mechanisms of philosophical, ethical, and sociological constructs that allow for a practical and normative assessment of the effects of human enhancement technologies on people's lives.
The ‘ecosystematic approach’ conceptual framework views the human living environment as a more-or-less stable ecosystem of heterogeneous mutually conditioning factors in balance. However, changes associated with human enhancement generate new risks, dictating a ‘reassembly’ of this balance. It is necessary to delve into the current research context before engaging in discussions about the empirical and practical possibilities of human enhancement, and assessing its potential for the development of autonomous action. The summary report explores the main effects of the reassembly of the living environment ecosystem associated with human enhancement, identifying and discussing the risks and opportunities that this reassembly generates. The changes associated with human enhancement are examined from three perspectives: philosophical-ethical, cultural-sociological and socio-economic.
A Philosophical Perspective