Projects 2021
- Competition for Innovation in Education (KIvO)
- Research project "Study of the digital transformation in educational systems around the world"
- Research project "Researching the technological readiness of the educational actors"
- Research project "Coping strategies of Russian schools teams during the pandemic"
- Research project "Personalised model of learning enhanced by digital technology"
- Research expedition to the Republic of Dagestan «Grassroots innovations in education and an ecosystem to support them»
Projects 2020
- Competition for Innovation in Education (KIvO)
- Research project "Study of the digital transformation in educational systems around the world"
- Research project "Researching the technological readiness of the educational actors"
- Research project "Cultural patterns as a factor of successful digital transformation of Russian and Hungarian educational systems"
- Research project "Study of the interaction of schools and EdTech startups"
- Research project "The process of shock innovations in Russian schools in the context of COVID-19"
Projects 2019
- Competition for Innovation in Education (KIvO)
- Research project "Study of the digital transformation in the educational systems around the world"
- Research project "Researching the technological readiness of the educational actors"
- Research project "Study of the digital technologies integration in the educational process"
- Research project "Trends of innovative activity in education"
Projects 2018
- Innovation in Education Competition (KIvO)
- Research project "Educational Innovation Actors"
- Research project "Study of innovators’ in education motives"
- Research project "Value Orientations of Innovators on the example of the KIVO participants"
- Applied project "Development of a tool for automated text applications processing submitted to the competition"
- Research project "Changing the landscape of grass-roots innovation in the education system as predictors of emerging trends"
Projects 2017
- Research project "Portrait of Russian Innovators"
- Research project "Study of everyday life of modern adolescents: their presence in social networks as an integral part of communication"
- Innovation in Education Competition (KIvO)
- Research project "Educational Innovation Actors"
- Research project "Study of educational innovators’ motives"
- Research project "Landscape of educational innovations: content and structure"
- Research project "Value orientations of innovators on the example of KIvO participants"
- Research project "Perspectives for the mobile and network technologies use in teaching schoolchildren"
Projects 2016
- Innovation in Education Competition (KIvO)
- Research project "Innovative pedagogical movement in the late USSR and 90s Russia"
- Research project "Success factors for educational innovation"
- Research project "Paths to innovation in education"
- Research project "Relationship between cognitive reframing and adoption of innovations by teachers"
- The project in the framework of the Event 5.4 “Objectives 5 of the Federal Programme of Industrial Education and Labor 2016-2020 "Expert and analytical support for the identification and dissemination of the most promising innovations and developments in the field of education”
- Research project "Portrait of an innovator in education". The work resulted in the publication of D.Koroleva and T. Havenson articles in the scientific journal “The issues of Education”
- Applied project "Foresight of MISiS Development" (the project leader A.M. Sidorkin)
- Applied project "Foresight of socio-economic sciences" (the project leader A.M. Sidorkin)