Центр психометрики и измерений в образовании


Психометрические исследования — это методы измерения и оценки различных характеристик людей, включая психологические особенности, знания, компетенции, навыки и т.д., с использованием статистических методов.


Mark Zelman Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Mark Zelman holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics and has fifteen years experience in the field of education assessment and monitoring: participated in the development of tests such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), the Prueba de AdmisiónparaEstudiosGraduados (PAEG), which is a graduate admissions testin Spanish, the Praxis Series, NAEP, and SAT I, at Educational Testing Service (ETS)/Princeton.Mark was a leader of the tests development groups for GRE,PRAXIS, PAEG, and automatic item generation research team. He has significant international experience in assessment in education and developmentprojects funded by the World Bank, USAID, British Council, IADB, and the Educational Testing Service.Mark is highly knowledgeable in educational assessment systems and has worked in the Republic of Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Thailand, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Republic of Kosovo, Ukraine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Omanon projects to aid those nations in developing national testing and assessment systems.


1996                 Ph.D. Mathematics, Princeton University, USA

1990                 M.A. Mathematics, Cambridge University, UK


Fluent in English, Russian, German, French, Italian, Spanish     



2010 – present:

Associate, Centre for Formative Assessment Studies (CFAS), Faculty of Education of the University of Manchester, Manchester

2004 – present:

Senior Consultant, Assessment and Tests Design, American Councils, Washington DC

2001 – 2004:

ETS Global Institutes Faculty

1997 – 2004:

Assessment Specialist II in Mathematics, ETS

1996 – 1997:

Associate Examiner in Mathematics, ETS

1995 – 1996:

Assistant Examiner in Mathematics, ETS





2016 – present

Senior Testing Consultant for American Councils funded by USAID  ,Ukraine–(USETI) Legacy Alliance Phase II Project


Provide strategic advise on planning and implementation of all technical assistance in Program Area One.

Advising on advanced test development technics.

Advise on General Ability Test implementation within HEIs admissions.

Train in Mathematics and Science subject test development.

Lecture on principals of educational measurement and general test development at Dragomanov National University 


2013 – present

Test development and psychometric consultant forIABD (Inter American Development Bank ) and MoE of Jamaica, Jamaica-Support to Education Reform JA-T1028 (extension of 2011-2013 JA- T1028) (Extension 2013-2016)


Assistance in developing Primary Exit Profile (PEP)– both summative assessments for accountability purposes and optional interim assessments for instructional use that are aligned to the new Jamaican Curriculum Standards in English Language Arts/Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies for grades 4, 5, and 6.

Assistance in recommending/developing item banking solutions .

Assistance in developing Evidence Centered Design (ECD) based PEAP testsframeworks, content specifications and test blueprints 

Assistance in developing vertical and horizontal scales and test equating .


2012 – 2014


Test development and psychometric consultant for World Bank, Ethiopia-General Education Quality Improvement Program (GEQIP II)


Conducting a detailed and evidence-based analysis of what will be required to develop and implement sustainable item banks for both the national examinations and the national learning assessment (NLA) programs.




2013 – 2013


Test development and psychometric consultant for World Bank, Fiji-SystemApproach for BetterEducational Results Program (SABER)


Facilitate workshops with three country teams (PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands) to help them understand the SABER-Student Assessment tools and make any necessary adjustments to better fit the context in each country.  Provide counterparts with an overview of what we know from the research base about effective assessment systems, using the World Bank's framework paper.


2013 – 2014


Test development and psychometric consultant for World Bank, Armenia- READ Program


Developing and presenting courses in assessment for pre-service teacher lecturer training.


2012 – 2015


Test development and psychometric consultant for World Bank, Kazakhstan- Joint Economic Research Program(JERP)


Provide hands-on guidance to develop an integrated balanced student assessment system that will include summative, interim and formative assessments. Providing technical expertise in the area of student assessments for the JERP Education Policy Round Table. Specifically, the consultant will take the findings from the SABER Student Assessment Report and the PISA results analysis and prepare a presentation for the Round Table, and lead the discussion on policy recommendations and concrete action steps for the Government of Kazakhstan.


2012 – 2014


Mathematics and Science test development consultant for USAID, Republic of Kosovo- Basic Education Program (BEP)


Assisting the BEP Assessment Working Team with preparing and delivering workshops on assessing project-based learning. Assisting the BEP Assessment Working Team with preparing and delivering item- development workshop. Preparing and delivering a keynote speech at the Assessment for Learning Conference for MEST personnel. Preparing and delivering a keynote speech at the Assessment for Learning Conference for school personnel.


2011 – 2013


Test development and psychometric consultant for University of Wolverhampton (CIDT), Jamaica-Support to Education ReformJA-T1028


Conduct a review of the Proficiency Pathway, Basic Education Diagnostic Test developed by the USAID Basic Education Project (BEP), as well as, the Ministry of Education’s Informal Diagnostic Reading Inventory to determine context, relevance and value in defining the diagnostic test for Grade 2. Establish a timeframe to develop the diagnostic instrument for Grade 2 Design and/or improve on the test developed by the USAID BEP for Grade 2. Identify and select developmentally appropriate items that may be pulled from an existing test-item bank to be included in the reconstructed test. Develop rubric for marking of test consistent with the requirements of a diagnostic test.  Develop framework and test specifications for Grade Nine Diagnostic test (GNDT) and Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT).


2012 – 2012


Consultant in assessment for British Council, Saudi Arabia- NCAAA Quality Assurance programme.


Preparing and delivering workshops on assessment and quality assurance for universities.



2010 – 2015


Test development consultant for USAID/ American Councils, Ukraine - Ukrainian Standardized External Testing Initiative


Assisting in developing of standardized achievement and ability subject university admission tests.  Run item writing and reviewing workshops. Run workshops on marking and marking schemes. Discuss psychometric analyses of items and introduction principles of psychometric-driven item revision. Run workshops on Standard Setting.


2010 – 2012


Team Leader for World Bank, Kazakhstan- Technical Assistance for the Improvement of the National University Entrance Test  (within the Joint Economic Research Program)


Conduct audit of the National University Entrance Test with respect to a uniform, rigorous set of test development standards through a well-documented process. Provide a summary of the audit results. Provide guidance on how to remedy specific instances of noncompliance with a set of accepted standards for fair and valid testing.


2009 – 2014


Co Team Leader for World Bank, Russian- Education Aid for Development Program (READ), ICT


Co-team leader of five national consultants; administrative staff, and short-term national and international consultants for the project of developing information and communication literacy assessment. Participation in monitoring and design missions. Participating in task and ICT test development. Conducting psychometric analyses and validity studies of ICT literacy assessment.


2009 – 2014


Consultant for Ministry of Education of Thailand , IPST, Thailand


Item and Tests development workshops. Development of teacher certification assessment. Development of ICT literacy assessment for teachers.


2005 – 2007


Lead Regulatory Expert for British Council, Pakistan –National Education Assessment

System Project


Supporting the development of annual work plans. Assisting in developing, managing and implementing the several cycles of assessment through leading support to: preparing frameworks, test specification, training item writers, developing items, sample design, psychometric item analysis, preparing administration and scoring materials, piloting scoring protocols, training scorers, quality assurance of scoring, conducting psychometric test analysis and reporting. Supporting the Statistical Working Group in managing the output from the several cycles of testing into informing decisions on training and the allocation of resources. Assisting in the analysis of the potential demand for courses in assessment.


2006 – 2006


Consultant for the World Bank- Sindh Education Sector Reforms Program Identification Mission, Pakistan


General overview of policy issues of monitoring and evaluation of student achievement in Sindh: Taking stock of past experience and lessons learned in the context of international experience. Analyze the results of the pilots carried out so far, focusing on the policy implications with regard to education quality, school improvement, curriculum reform and teacher retraining and professional development.  Institutional and infrastructure issues for a national system of monitoring and evaluation of student achievement. Appraisal of current technical capacity available in Sindh institutions in the field of Educational Evaluation. Measurement and Testing, and recommendations on technical capacity which needs to be built in the future. Review ongoing work in student assessment carried out by other donors.


2005 – 2006


Test development and psychometric consultant for the World Bank, Kazakhstan –  Education Reform Project


Review of achievements to date and providing advisory services in reforming a system of monitoring of quality of education, developing new assessment instruments as a part of University Entrance Exams and National Assessment through leading support in preparing frameworks, test specification, training item writers, developing items, and items and test psychometric test analysis.


2005 – 2007  


Lead Foreign Consultant, for the World Bank funded project, Russia, E-Learning (ICT)


Assisted in developing, managing and implementing the several cycles of ICT assessment for the 9th grade students. Provided support to: prepare frameworks, test specification, training item writers, developing items, sample design, psychometric item analysis, preparing administration and scoring materials, piloting scoring protocols, training scorers, quality assurance of scoring, conducting psychometric test analysis and reporting.


2004 – 2005


Consultant, Aga Khan University, Pakistan


Teacher training. Item and test development workshops. Large scale assessment design.


2002 – 2005


Consultant for Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and American Councils


Development of EGE (national universities admission test) project through leading support in: preparing frameworks for achievement tests, test specification, training item writers, developing items and item analysis.


2004 – 2005


Consultant for ETS, USA. Automatic Item Generation Project


2002 – 2004


Consultant for the World Bank funded project, Republic of Georgia - Education System Improvement Project (subcomponent National Assessment and Examinations Centre)


2001 – 2002


ETS consultant for ACTR/ACCELS, Kyrgyz Republic.


Developing university admission test and conducting item writing workshops. Creation of a number of test preparation materials.


2001 – 2001


ETS consultant for the Ministry of Education of Bolivia.


Conducting workshops on student assessments, item writing, and psychometrics.


2001 – 2001


ETS consultant for the Ministry of Education of China


Conducted a workshop on standardized test development procedures for a Head of the Department of Higher Education of China.