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Конференция комитета по социологии образования (RC04) Международной социологической ассоциации «Culture and Education: Social Transformations and Multicultural Communication» 24-26 июля в Москве

24-26 июля в Москве пройдёт конференция комитета по социологии образования (RC04) Международной социологической ассоциации «Culture and Education: Social Transformations and Multicultural Communication»


Дмитрий Куракин, директор Центра культурсоциологии и антропологии образования, совместно с Анной Лунд, доцентом Стокгольмского университета, проведут на ней секцию «Культурсоциология и образование»


Cultural sociology and education

In contemporary world, the growing cultural and institutional diversity put certain limitations on the validity of classical and well-established explanatory models, which has been successfully used within the sociology of education since the 1960s. The growing role of choice and patterns of meaning-making in education effectively amplified the importance of cultural dimension of such classical problems of the sociology of education as inequality, mobility, educational achievements and others. As a result, culture cannot be seen anymore as a passive transmission between institutional settings and human action. This means, that we need to bring highly developed cultural sociological approaches, which during the last decades increasingly proved their validity among many empirical fields, to the sociology of education. For example, to a certain degree need the school to be analyzed as something more than differentiation and mobility. The school can also be seen as an intermediary institution between civil sphere elements of autonomy, mutual recognition and modes of incorporation and social and cultural realms of life as ethnicity, class, gender, religion and family. Symbolic codes enabling, on the one hand, "civic capacities" and, on the other hand, civil exclusion through othering-processes are the double standard in schooling, as elsewhere. This session seeks to demonstrate how meaning-centered analysis can enrich the mainstream of the sociology of education.


Приглашаем к участию в секции «Культурсоциология и образование». Условия подачи заявок подробно описаны на сайте конференции: http://inyaz.rudn.ru/26-07-2019eng

Сроки подачи заявок: 30 апреля.

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