The 2015 Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society
The 2015 Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society was held in Washington, D.C. March 8-13. The conference program includes eight presentations co-authored by The International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis staff.
During joint session of Stanford and HSE Universities were successfully presented new research results of The International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis work.
Great interest was called by presentations that have been done within the project «25 years of post-Soviet-Union higher education development», which is coordinated by the Institute of Education. Following presentations were held by Andrey Zakharov and Tatiana Khavenson:
• Andrey Zakharov (NRU Higher School of Economics), Michelle Jackson (Stanford University), Tatiana Khavenson (NRU Higher School of Economics), Martin Carnoy (Stanford University). "What determines academic/vocational secondary school choice in Russia? Social class or academic performance?"
• Tatiana Khavenson (NRU HSE), Martin Carnoy (Stanford University). "Analyzing the Impact of Educational Reforms on Russian- Medium Students in the Baltic Countries and Russia: A "Natural Experiment».
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