In June 2017, the SERU Research Symposium devoted to opportunities and challenges of higher education in the world was held at the Rutgers University, USA.
At the Symposium the CSHE representatives made the following presentations: "Portrait of multi-engaged students", "Fostering a Global Minset of students at US research universities", "Update on gradSERU". Also, the participants discussed the gradSERU assessment tool, opportunities to extend the international cooperation and drafted the future research projects.
In May 2014, HSE hosted the second conference of the SERU-I Consortium entitled ‘A Comparative International View of the Student Experience in Research Universities’. The participants discussed major challenges in undergraduate and graduate education, as well as research-driven initiatives aimed at improving the student experience at leading research universities around the world.
Topics and roundtable sessions:
- Special challenges facing BRICS countries in reforming and improving undergraduate and graduate education
- Emerging international models for general education and the liberal arts
- The important role of research engagement for undergraduate/first degree students
- Experiences and behaviours of the growing pool of international students
- The future role of MOOCs in SERU's research-intensive universities
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