Transformation of Teaching in Higher Education
Research in this direction is focused on the lecturer as one of the key participants in the educational process. Lecturers in higher education design courses and implement them, build communications with students and university leaders, act in conditions dictated by the external environment, and influence this environment. We strive to establish patterns in this complex system, analyze its strengths and weaknesses, and propose solutions to the identified problems.
Key research questions of the direction:
How are the characteristics of teachers related to the features of the pedagogical design of the course and the learning outcomes of students?
What are the best digital teaching practices?
What are the teachers' attitudes towards the digitalization of teaching, and how do these attitudes relate to real-life practices?
How do higher education reforms affect the work of university teachers?
What reforms are needed to improve the efficiency of their teaching activities?

Институт образования: Научный сотрудник
Департамент образовательных программ: Доцент
Центр социологии высшего образования: Научный сотрудник