Video lectures
Douglas Willms: 'Equality, Equity, and Educational Prosperity'
J. Douglas Willms, Canada
The President of the International Academy of Education. Played lead roles in developing Canada’s National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) and the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Designed the Early Years Evaluation (EYE). The lead researcher in designing the contextual questionnaires for PISA for Development
About the lecture: Dr. Willms will present his research about the capacity of a society to develop young peoples’ literacy skills and well-being that depend on its ability to provide the right kinds of human and material resources to support healthy child development from conception to adolescence and beyond. Educational Prosperity is an assessment framework that can be used to assess the capacity of a school district, state, or country to develop children’s literacy skills and well-being, to assess the equality of outcomes and equity of provision, and to set goals for increasing capacity and monitor progress towards those goals. The assessment framework is being used in at least ten countries and was central to the collection and analysis of data for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s study, PISA for Development.
Lorin W. Anderson: 'Do International Tests Test What We Think They Test?'
Lorin W. Anderson, USA
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina. Co-founder of the Center of Excellence to Prepare Teachers of Children of Poverty
About the lecture: All international tests (e. g., PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS) are built around test blueprints, blueprints that typically include the content, process, context, and format of the test items. Although content, context, and format are readily identifiable, the process dimension deals with the expectations that test developers have about the way or ways in which students will cognitively process the content to arrive at the correct or best answer. In mathematics, are students expected to know, apply, or reason (TIMSS)? In reading, are students expected to retrieve information, make inferences, interpret and integrate, or evaluate and critique (PIRLS)? At the lecture, Dr. Anderson will present the research results aimed to investigate the extent to which the ways in which students process test items in reading and mathematics are consistent with the ways they are supposed to process them, given the explicit expectations of the test developers. The researcher will discuss the major findings of the study and will end with a few recommendations for test developers that are consistent with the findings.
Martin Carnoy: book presentation “(Un)common Schools: Diversity and Inequality”
Edited by M. Karnoi, G. Larina, V. Markina.
Martin Carnoy, USA
Professor of Economics at Stanford University (USA), Scientific Director of the International Laboratory for Educational Policy Analysis at the Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
About the lecture: Martin Carnoy and research fellows of the International Laboratory of the Education Policy Analysis will present the main results of the book “(Un)common Schools: Diversity and Inequality”. In the book, the authors consider the everyday life of contemporary Russian schools from different points of view. The study was aimed to reveal the mechanisms of school life and why some schools perform better than other schools. Does a common Russian school exist? How do schools see their mission and a place in the educational landscape? How do principals and teachers categorize students determining their further educational trajectories? How does a school contribute or reproduce social inequality?
Andreas Demetriou: 'Mind and Intelligence: Integrating Developmental, Psychometric, and Cognitive Theories of Human Mind'
Andreas Demetriou, Cyprus
Professor Emeritus, University of Nicosia. A fellow of Academia Europea and the International Academy of Education, an Honorary Doctor of Middlesex University London, an Honorary Professor of Durham University, UK, and an Honorary Visiting Professor of the Northeastern Normal University, China
About the lecture: This study summarizes a comprehensive theory of intellectual organization and growth. The theory specifies a common core of processes (Abstraction, representational Alignment, and Cognizance, i.e., AACog) underlying inference and meaning-making. In this talk, Dr. Demetriou will also demonstrate that different levels of intelligence expressed through IQ measures correspond to different types of representational and problem-solving possibilities as expressed through the AACog reconceptualization cycles. The researcher will present the result aiming to increase intelligence and discuss the implications of this theory for psychometric, cognitive, and developmental science and show how it solves long-standing theoretical and practical problems not solved by other theories, such as the decreasing likelihood of attaining high intelligence, the differentiation of abilities with development, and the training fade-out problem.
Maria De Ibarrola: 'From Formal Jobs to Street Corner Economies. Reflections on the Relationship Between Schooling and Work in Mexico'
Maria De Ibarrola, Mexico
Professor and a researcher, at the Department of Educational Research, Center for Research and Advanced Studies, Mexico. National researcher, (since 1984) highest rank, III ( since 1993). Member of the National Committee for the Evaluation of National Researchers in the Humanities, 2015-2017. President of the International Academy of Education, 2012-1015
About the lecture: Maria De Ibarrola will present the history of the construction of a theoretical corpus that has tried to integrate a large number of explanatory elements about the relationship between schooling and work in a country like Mexico. The researcher will present the three intermediate categories value analysis: a matrix of the heterogeneous nature of labor sectors in Mexico, the socio-educational projects for the creation of schools educating the labor force, and the curriculum institutional structures that mark the boundaries for effective education.
Stella Vosniadou: 'Teaching how to learn: Promoting self-directed learning in the classroom'
Stella Vosniadou, Greece/Australia
A Strategic Professor at Flinders University in South Australia and an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Philosophy and History of Science at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
About the lecture: Children construct intuitive understandings of the physical world based on their everyday experiences. These intuitive understandings are organized in skeletal conceptual structures known as framework theories. Framework theories are different from currently accepted science and impose constraints on how students understand the scientific explanations of phenomena causing the creation of fragmented or synthetic conceptions. It is argued that in order to understand science students need tomake important changes in the way they represent and explain the physical world as well as in their ways of reasoning. During the development of science knowledge students must also create new concepts and new belief systems which do not necessarily supplant their framework theories but co-exist with them. These developments are gradual and slow and follow a learning progression. In order to be effective science education needs to make students aware of their intuitive understandings, provide scientific information gradually and in agreement with students’ learning progressions and develop students’ reasoning abilities and executive function skills.
Erik De Corte: 'Learning design:Creating powerful learning environments for self-regulation skills'
Erik De Corte, Belgium
Emeritus Professor at the University of Leuven. Contributing to the development of theories of learning from instruction with a focus on the following topics: metacognitive, affective/emotional and epistemological aspects of learning; design and evaluation of powerful learning environments; mathematics learning and teaching
About the lecture: The interdisciplinary research in the learning sciences has and still does substantially contribute to meeting the current need for new environments for learning by developing and elaborating new perspectives on the goal of school education, and on the nature of learning to achieve this goal. In the lecture Eric De Corte lecture will focus on self-regulation as a major component of the goals of education. Findings of the positive relationship between self-regulation and student learning have led researchers to design learning environments for improving students’ self-regulation skills. Several metacognitive methods have been designed especially for math learning; Research evidence will then be discussed showing that such learning environments are effective for developing and improving self-regulated learning and self-regulation skill in Kindergarten children and primary and secondary school students.
Gustavo E. Fischman: 'How Influential are the International Large-scale Assessments on Educational Policy?'
Gustavo E. Fischman, USA
Professor of the Arizona State University, coordinator of the area Research Communities, Public Knowledge and Democracy, FLACSO, Brazil. Member of the international board of reviewers of the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) Member of the Scientific Council of Redalyc
About the lecture: In his lecture Gustavo E. Fischman will answer the questions to what extent, and how international large-scale assessments (ILSAs) have influenced education policymaking at the national level. Dr. Fichman will discuss the survey results which pointed to a growing perception among stakeholders that ILSAs are influencing national educational policies, with 38% of respondents stating that ILSAs were generally misused in the national policy contexts. The researcher will also talk about the most significant change associated with the use of ILSAs.
Olga Troitschanskaia: Workshop on Performance Assessment of Learning in Higher Education
Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia
Full Professor, Chair of Business and Economics Education at the Johannes Gutenberg University. Is coordinating the national research program ‘Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education (KoKoHs)
About the Workshop: Following employers’ criticisms of employees' lacking generic skills as well as recent societal developments, policy makers and educators have called for students to develop a range of new skills such as critical thinking (“21st century skills”). So far, such skills have typically been assessed by student self-reports or with multiple-choice tests. An alternative approach is criterion-sampling measurement. This approach leads to developing performance assessments using “criterion” tasks, which are drawn from real-world situations in which students are being educated, both within and across academic or professional domains. One of the current projects, iPAL (The international Performance Assessment of Learning), consolidates previous research and focuses on the next generation performance assessments. At the iPAL workshop, the researchers will present an assessment framework and show how it guides the development of such performance assessments, exemplify these assessments with two concrete tasks, and provide preliminary evidence of technical quality of the PAL tasks.
Fritz Oser: A New Approach to the Problem of Critical Thinking: A Critique of Critical Thinking
Fritz K. Oser, Switzerland
Professor of Educational Psychology and General Education at the Department of Educational Sciences. Is the co-founder of the Leading house conception, new University Institutes that bring the VET and professional learning field to research. The leader of research projects like e.g. "The Impact of Negative Knowledge to Develop Rescue from Entrepreneurial Failure Competencies: An Intervention Study at the Upper-secondary Level"
Lauren B. Resnick : 'Dialogic learning: current research and practices'
Lauren B. Resnick, USA
Distinguished University Professor and Co-Director, Institute for Learning, University of Pittsburgh. Lauren B. Resnick made a notable contributions to the cognitive science of learning and instruction.
About the lecture: Two broad, competing theories of human intelligence and learning became important in the 19thcentury and continue today according to two central questions: What is intelligence? and Who is intelligent? Both the what and the who questions are crucial to how societies will choose to organize education, both formal and informal. The lecture will cover the variety of phenomena in this field connected with the key issues of learning, thinking, and language development.
Maris A. Vinovskis: 'U.S. Gorvenment Efforts to Promote K-12 Education Equity and Excellence since 1950'
Maris A. Vinovskis, USA
University of Michigan Bentley Professor of History, Institute for Social Science Research Professor, and Professor at the Gerald R. Ford of Public Policy. Professor Vinovskis works on a variety of historical and policy issues on the United States including demographic trends, socio-economic developments, family life, Head Start, K-12-education, and the uses of history for policymaking.
About the lecture: Federal involvement in preschool through high school education has increased substantially since the 1950s. Yet states and local communities still provide most of the funding and much of the control of schools. This talk will briefly examine changes in federal involvement, the creation of early childhood education (Head Start), and the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and its revisions (such as No Child Left Behind). In addition, federal support and guidance of education research will be discussed and evaluated. Finally, the talk will conclude with an assessment of federal activities and suggestions made on how to understand the past 70 years as well as what challenges still have to be resolved in the future.
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