Education Law Laboratory

Article "Pattern breaking. How are the powers exceeded while auditing Approximate Basic Educational Programmes" has been published.

A new article co-written by the staff of the Laboratory on unlawful claims to auditing educational organizations came out.

Article "Pattern breaking. How are the powers exceeded while auditing Approximate Basic Educational Programmes" has been published.

The education sector is used to numerous and ongoing audits from Rospotrebnadzor, Rosobrnadzor, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The cheсks are usually ridiculous, so even hangers if the wardrobe can be checked. Those excessive demands would disappear due to a new monitoring and oversight reform, so-called the regulatory guillotine. Other demands could further be discussed and evaluated familiarly, as they used to be. However, there is still a question that might come to you. What to do if there aren’t any strict statutory requirements but the authorities responsible for supervising and monitoring do check-ins? That is what happens now with auditing Approximate Basic Educational Programmes.


To read the full text of the article, click here (in Russian).