Education Law Laboratory

We improve

educational law

We develop

new solutions for the education system

We make

educational law clear for all

We form

a culture of quality in education

Research Areas

  • Improving legislation and eliminating barriers
  • International and comparative research in the field of education
  • Rights and duties of the participants of educational relations
  • Internal quality assurance of educational institutions
  • Control and supervision in education
  • Accountability in education
  • Multilevel governance of education
  • Regulation of the content of education
  • Financing of education

Our Team

Szymon Jankiewicz

state policy, monitoring, and supervision in education; financing of education and sciences; network form; personnel policy,

Nadezhda Knyaginina

quality of education; rights and obligation of participants of educational relations; personnel policy in education; content of education,

Evgenii Puchkov

international cooperation; foreign comparative studies; student self-government; youth policy,

Violetta Balzhinimaeva

regional legislation; local regulation; development of educational programmes; educational events,

Expertise and Consulting

  • Legal consultation and assessment
  • Development of draft laws and bylaws
  • Development and legal support of administrative decisions
  • Preparation of methodical recommendations and training materials
  • Expert support for the creation of internal quality assurance systems
  • Training of management teams

Research Projects

We Teach

This programme provides students with a solid foundation in legal theory, as well as practical skills related to teamwork and solving complex issues both domestically and internationally. The focus of the programme is on the legal regulation of economic ties.
5 years, full-time


This programme is aimed at preparing experts in key areas of education who will be able to develop, implement, and evaluate educational policy in pre-school and secondary education, as well as work as administrators at schools, municipal and regional education agencies.
2,5 years, part-time


This programme is intended for those who wish to develop successful projects in education and effectively manage them, or become qualified analysts, experts, or researchers.
2 years, full-time


The programme trains specialists in language policy, namely in the analysis and development of interaction strategies between ethno-cultural communities.
2 years, full-time


This programme aims to train highly qualified experts who will be able to understand the system of political challenges facing individuals, society, and the state in the modern world.
2,5 years, part-time


Additional Professional Education Programmes

Educational Law at School

Students of this programme learn how to organise the work of educational organisations in accordance with current legislation, how to use legislation to achieve target indicators, how to work with the help of legal tools with personnel and parents, and how to resolve and prevent conflicts arising in the educational process.

Online Courses


  • Book

    Telesca G., Puchkov E., Keshelashvili S. et al.

    ESNsurvey - 14th Edition: Understanding the Experience and Needs of International Students in the Pandemic and its Aftermath

    ESNsurvey is the biggest European research project planned and carried out entirely by students, for students. It aims to be conducted annually and it surveys students at higher education institutions. ESN shares the results with the main stakeholders in higher education and mobility programmes.

    In its 14th edition, the ESNsurvey collected more than 10,000 answers in 2021. The main objective of the survey was to monitor the implementation of Erasmus+ Higher Education mobilities and other student exchanges, considering the commitments included in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, the quality framework that Universities need to adhere to in order to participate in Erasmus+ mobilities.

    Brux.: Erasmus Student Network AISBL, 2022.

  • Article

    Fabrice H., Patrick W., Jankiewicz S. et al.

    Attract and Retain International Students: A Remedy to Skill Shortages: Note 2 - Labor Market

    In a moving world, the concept of competency appears flexible enough to adapt to the needs of societies and economies. From a more individual perspective, the development of skills that can be valued in the labor market would be a means of increasing employability. There are several challenges that students face when entering the job market in Russia. This note analyses several national policies within European countries that develop instruments to identify their economic migrant needs, even if one of the most glaring result is that there is currently no European common policy on economic migration and labor market needs. Nevertheless, the European Commission is trying new approaches in identifying sectors with unfilled vacancies. This note also elaborates on the success of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) approaches that consist of awarding full qualifications, partial qualifications, credits toward a qualification, exemption for access to higher education, and/or exemption of all or part of the curriculum to applicants that have been assessed and have proven that their experiential learning outcomes meet the standards used in the higher education system. The first part of this note identifies the obstacles that prevent international students from staying in Russia after their studies and integrating into the labor market. The regulation of the labor market and the lack of employability of these students are highlighted. These issues are rather specific to Russia and, therefore, Section III on international experiences show the added value of international students to the development of the stock of human capital and competencies.

    World Bank Documents & Reports. 2021. No. 31 May.

  • Book chapter

    De Groof J., Willems K.

    Law and Higher Education in the Flemish Community

    De Groof J. and Willems K., Law and Higher Education in the Flemish Community, in Cheol Shin J. and Nuno Teixeira P. (eds.), Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Springer, 2017. (Forthcoming).

    In bk.: Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Dordrecht: Springer, 2018.

  • Working paper

    Jankiewicz S., Knyaginina N.

    The Language of the Republic at School: Who Decides?


    Law. LAW. Высшая школа экономики, 2018. No. WP BRP 83/LAW/2018.

All publications