Education Law Laboratory course “Legal support of education” is open for registration

The course provides you with online lectures and practical tasks based on real-life cases.

We are happy to share some great news with you: registration for the course “Legal support of education” (teachers: Szymon Jankiewicz and Nadezhda Knyaginina) is now available through the Skillbox educational platform.

-         Participation format – online

-         Course length – 2 months

-         7 thematical modules, 45 online lessons

Based on many years of experience of Education Law Laboratory, we explain complex subjects in a simple and intuitive manner. You will obtain a systematic image of the laws and legal acts regulating work of educational organizations, licensing and accreditation, the requirements for preparing education programs and materials, the influence of law on educational activity on our institution and many more.

You can register and obtain more information about course’s program here.