The Annual Pedagogical Conference in Narva, Estonia
Conference, which has a fifteen years history, in the last two years takes place in the Narva College of the University of Tartu. The conference has brought together teachers and leaders of various educational institutions, employees of the organization Innova and the Ministry of Education and Research. The conference was largely aimed at addressing issues of interest to teachers, administrators and researchers of educational institutions, where teaching is conducted in Russian. Nevertheless, the reports submitted were made both in Russian and Estonian languaged. The Conference included a plenary session and four parallel sessions covering various aspects of the educational system.Report of the researcher of MLAOP Inobra Tatiana Havenson was presented at the plenary session and was devoted to the results of PISA studies in Russian schools, their trends from 2000 to 2012 and to other factors of the educational environment. A special attention in the report was paid to the socio-cultural factors of status of students and schools, as well as the concept of "opportunity to learn" , which is the main focus of the study PISA -2012. The report was highly appreciated by the audience and aroused a great interest among the participants of the conference, noting that it is possible for them not only look at their own problems from the other side, but also to identify new ideas for research. An important outcome of the Conference was an agreement on further cooperation in the field of comparative studies betweeb Narva College and Innove.