Outcomes & Conclusions of XVIth International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.

XVIth International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, which was organized by Higher School of Economy with support of World Bank, has completed its work on 10th of April. Laboratory staff presentations became an important part of the conference work.

On 7th of April head of The International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis, Martin Carnoy has participated in the discussions of the plenary session "Paths for Developing Russia’s Professional and Higher Education in Conditions of Economic Turbulence".

On the 8th and 9th of April during "Studying the quality of education and educational policy" section of Symposium “Development of Education” laboratory staff has presented following reports: "(Un)planned outcomes of educational reforms in the Baltic States" (T. Khavenson, C. Martin), "The role of socio-economic status of the family and student performance in the selection of learning paths after 9th grade" (A. Zakharov), "
The effect of a big frog in a small pond. Academic self-esteem, educational plans and achievements" (Y. Kuzmina), "
Dealing with Contextual Mathematics: phases, difficulties and effects of help" (Y. Tyumeneva, M. Goncharova).

Great interest has been called by "Educational policy, based on the results of empirical studies"
 round table discussions, where Institut of Education staff - Andrey Zakharov, Elena Kardanova, as well as invited experts - Galina Kovaleva and Avdeeva Svetlana were involved. The Institute's of Education scientific advisor - Isak Froumin was moderating this event.
