Economist Richard Murnane will talk about educational inequality in the United States

April, 20, Richard Murnane, the Thompson Research Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education will talk about growth in family income and educational inequality in the U.S. in last 40 years.

XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development

XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development

Increases in family income inequality in the United States over the last 40 years have translated into widening gaps in educational achievement and attainments between children from low- and high-income families.

The talk has three goals related to these trends. The first is to describe and interpret the evidence on trends in inequality in educational outcomes based on family income. The second is to describe the evidence on the mechanisms through which increases in family income inequality resulted in increases in inequality of educational outcomes. The third is to describe the data sources that have been important in documenting trends in educational outcomes and the explanations for these trends, and to assess the strengths and limitations of these data sources.