Series of advanced training seminars for scientific and pedagogical HSE employees "Longitudinal studies in employment and education” (03-20 October, 2011)
From 3 October to 20 October within the activities of the International laboratory for Education Policy Analysis at the Institute for Educational Studies series of advanced training seminars "Longitudinal studies in employment and education" were conducted by the Professor of Economics and Director of the Centre for Human Resource Research at the Ohio State University Dr. Randall Olsen. R.Olsen concentrated extensively on the question of teacher retention. He also worked in the area of labour economics covering both education and labour market outcomes.
Longitudinal data are an important tool for researchers, particularly in documenting the movement of students through the life-course from school to work. By going through a series of seminars participants obtained a basic knowledge of the key technical and methodological considerations in collecting and maintaining longitudinal data bases and learnt key research techniques for statistical analysis of longitudinal data.