Leading researcher of the Graduate School of Education HSE Andrey Zakharov attended Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis in Essex University from 6 August to 17 August 2012.
Traditional Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analyses took place in August 2012 in Essex University. Diversity of topics for discussion and research and distinguished teachers can be named among the most important features oа Summer schools in this university. The chosen course was dedicated to multilevel analyses in R and JAGS. Jeff Gil, famous expert and the author of many books on bias analyses, was teaching. His book Gelman A, Hill J. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/ Hierarchical Models, 2009 was taken as a basis of the course.
The topic itself seems to be highly interesting and important, taking in consideration that the data that are normally to be dealt with generally has hierarchical structure. For instance, the pupils are joined in classes, classes themselves - in schools, schools are situated in cities etc. In the same time the relationship between the variables can vary within different groups at the same level. This should be considered while building and analyzing the models.
The course lasted for 2 weeks and had a brilliant structure showing perfect balance of theoretical and practical activities. Besides that, the participants had plenty of a spare time to be spent on individual work and preparation for the lessons both in computer classes and in the library. A possibility for free discussion was provided as well. It was a good chance to discuss topics of professional interest.
Five people from different divisions of HSE participated in the Summer School. It can be seen as a proof that statistical methods of data analyses are highly demanded and cause much interest in Russia.
Material is prepared by the Leading researcher of the Graduate School of Educati on HSE
Andrey Zakharov