Maria Jose Ramirez' seminar at the Graduate School of Education master program "Measurement in Psychology and Education"

May, 16 a seminar of World Bank expert in interdisciplinary research Maria Jose Ramirez has taken place in the framework of the Graduate School of Education master program "Measurement in Psychology and Education".
May, 16 a seminar of World Bank expert in interdisciplinary research Maria Jose Ramirez has taken place in the framework of the Graduate School of Education master program "Measurement in Psychology and Education". She shared her working experience in the given area and answered the questions of the audience. Laboratory researchers took part in the event as the listeners. 

You can find the presentation for the seminar here:  Maria Jose Rodrigez_presentation.ppt

Maria Jose Ramirez also participated in the scientific Seminar of the Graduate School of Education with a report on Tuesday, May, 14.

More about the seminar

Seminar at master program "Measurement in Psychology and Education"

Y. Tyumeneva - cosupervisor of the master program "Measurement in Psychology and Education"