Project: The Landscape for Master's-Level Education
Master's studies social effects and sustainable development in Russia
List of sub-themes:
- Transition to a two-stage model in comparison with the European members of Bologna process
- Bologna process implementation in Russian higher education
- Normative analysis of the Russian higher education transformation
- Typical and unique Masters programs cases in the Russian regions
- Statistics: analysis of quantitative indicators
- Timeline of the Russian Masters' education transformations (teaching and learning, design)
- Two-stage higher education and labor market
- Master's education and regional labor markets (employees demand, stakeholders’ strategies)
- Educational policy effects
- Recommendations for the education policy-makers
- What real model of Masters education was implemented in Russia?
- What are the social and economic effects of the Masters' education in Russia ?
- Does Russian students and teachers have values for the further modernization?
- What are the barriers to a postgraduate education development and the ways to overcome them?
- Does the master's programs create an environment for the skills development?
- What are the most effective strategy of Masters' Programms development for the stakeholders (students, universities, business, employees, state)?
- learning motivation,
- features of self-determination (reference groups, value guidelines, etc.);
- trajectory of admission to the educational program;
- educational migration;
- educational and career strategies;
- expectations from the program;
- satisfaction with education;
- socio-demographic characteristics (age, income, parental education, etc.).
- key characteristics of the programs in which respondents are involved;
- involvement in program development;
- approaches used by teaching staff in the educational process;
- subjective assessment of the success of transformational processes in higher education;
- socio-demographic and professional characteristics (age, income, length of service, etc.).
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