Доклад Елены Кардановой и Дэвида Хокера на конференции в Шанинке
Конференция прошла в Москве 19-20 февраля 2014 года.
Конференция "Тенденции развития образования. Что такое эффективная школа и эффективный детский сад?" прошла в Москве 19-20 февраля 2014 года. На ней с докладом выступили Елена Карданова и Дэвид Хокер, которые рассказали об исследовании iPIPS, которое проводится Центром Мониторинга Качества Образования.
| Краткая аннотация доклада: Baseline assessment in schools and the iPIPS project – providing high quality value added data for system improvement This presentation includes: (i) Discuss the importance of baseline assessment for schools and system improvement in an international context, particularly for interpreting the results from PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS (ii) Summarise the development of baseline assessment and value added indicators in the UK, including the PIPS project (iii) Present the findings from some of the research projects in the UK and elsewhere (including Russia) which have used the PIPS baseline assessments to evaluate features of children’s learning, and discuss their significance for improving education at the local and national level (iv) Set out the rationale for the iPIPS project as a new international study of children starting school (v) Describe the progress of the iPIPS project in Russia and present the findings of the first trial which took place in November last year, (vi) Set out future plans to develop the iPIPS programme, including preparations for a follow up trial in May 2014, leading to a larger scale pilot and data collection exercise in 2014/15. |