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Tag "Student Experience in the Research University Consortium"

HSE at SERU-I: five years of change

Last year HSE took part in the international project “Student Experience in the ResearchUniversity” (SERU-I) for the third time. This research gives an opportunity for undergraduate students all over the world to share their educational experience through completing the same questionnaire. The new issue of “That’s So HSE” presents SERU-I project results.

Fall gradSERU Workshop

Fall gradSERU Workshop
On November 15 University of Minnesota and CSHE ran the SERU Graduate Student Experience Workshop at UC Berkeley. Participants discussed practical learning and insights from the gradSERU Survey. Current and prospective members of the Consortium had an opportunity to network with leaders in graduate education research and administration from around the world, get more information on the gradSERU instrument and discuss questions regarding SERU membership.

SERU Research Symposium: Politics and Policy – A New Era for UG and Graduate Education

The SERU Research Symposium devoted to opportunities and challenges of higher education in the world was held from 15-17 June 2017 at the Rutgers University, USA. The representatives of the Center of Sociology of Higher Education Igor Chirikov, Saule Bekova, Irina Shcheglova took part in the Symposium.

SERU-I perks

On 9 June 2017 there was an official awarding ceremony of students who participated in the international project "Student Experience in Research University". 180 students submitted their ideas of slogans for the next SERU-I wave. Expert committee selected 1 slogan - the winner of a GoPro camera and 8 authors of creative slogans received HSE hoodies.


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