The Third Week of Education Law
The first event of the week was an expert seminar "The quality control in education: the boundaries of the state regulation and the "regulatory guillotine".
The upcoming administrative reform in the field of education is not only to reduce the load on educational organizations but also to release space for working with the quality of education in the essence. For this, it is necessary to take into account the existing Russian experience and foreign practices. The discussion of this experience was the goal of an expert seminar, on which the following issues were also discussed:
- What are the current problems in the field of education quality control in Russia and in the world?
- How should quality control be carried out at the levels of school and vocational education?
- Which role should the government and non-state procedures play in assessing the quality of education and quality management?
The seminar was attended by foreign and Russian specialists: Jan De Groof, academic supervisor of the Education Law Laboratory, professor at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and Tilburg University (Netherlands), president of the European Association of Educational Law and Politics (ELA), William Maxwell, educational consultant, former head of Education Scotland, E. A. Lenskaya, dean of the Department of Education Management, Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences, A.V. Grebtsova, head department of The State Control (Supervision) in the field of education of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region, as well as employees of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics.
December 17th:
At the traditional "Tuesday" seminar of the Institute of Education "Actual Research and Development in the Field of Education" Professor Dirk Van Damme, head of the OECD Innovation and Measuring Progress Division delivered a presentation "What is the reason for the difference between research in the field of education and problems of educational systems".
In his report, the professor highlighted one of the most exciting topics - why research in the field of education does not always solve the problems that educational systems face around the world, as well as the main trends in educational research and the main risks and problems that educational systems face.
The following issues were raised throughout the report:
- Why does not research in the field of education sufficiently influence changes in educational policy?
- How does the quantity and quality of research in the field of education affect these changes (and their lack)?
- What systemic risks exist in education at the moment?
- What discrepancies exist between research in the field of education and problems of educational systems?
- How can new studies of learning help improve support for educational systems?
Discussants were: M.L. Agranovich - head of the Center for Monitoring and Education Statistics of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; S.G. Kosaretsky - director of the Pinsky Centre of General and Extracurricular Education of the Institute of Education of the HSE, I.M. Remorenko - the rector of Moscow City University, A.A. Margolis is the rector of the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education.
December 18th:
A workshop was held at the Faculty of Law of the National Research University of Higher School of Economics, where colleagues discussed new ideas and directions used in seminar work.
At the Faculty of Law, the Laboratory of Educational Law conducts the course "Educational Law". As part of this course, teachers try to engage students in solving practical problems and teach them the skills of activity, conducting seminars in different formats. To share the results of work on courses on the legal regulation of educational activity, a "Workshop on education law" was created.
The workshop was attended by Szymon Jankiewicz, Nadezhda Knyaginina, as well as Vladimir Isakov, Fatima Suleimanova, Tatyana Hramova, Yuri Arzamasov, Valentina Sinelnikova, Yulia Erokhina, Olga Fonotova and Oksana Chernenko.
The Third Week of Education Law was completed by the presentation of the collective monograph "Management of the education system at different levels: the vertical of power, the transfer of powers and regional cooperation", that took place on December 19.
The collective monograph represents the views of Russian and foreign researchers and experts in the field of education and the law on the problems of multilevel management of the education system. Scientists and practitioners talk about principles that should be followed in the process of organizing the educational system, social institutions that influence it, and consequences that a transfer of authority between levels of government has for the education sector. Russian authors consider the results of recent reforms in the field of redistribution of powers in the field of education, the impact of such redistribution on certain areas, as well as specific cases of the regional practice of exercising powers and cooperation. The monograph is equipped with analytical applications that graphically represent the distribution of powers in the field of education in Russia between different levels of public authority.
Authors and discussants made a presentation of the material presented in the monograph: Jan de Grof, Ph.D., academic supervisor of the Education Law Laboratory of the Institute of Education; Szymon Jankiewicz, head of the Education Law Laboratory of the Institute of Education; Nadezhda Knyaginina, junior researcher of the Education Law Laboratory; Victor Alexandrovich Bolotov, scientific director of the Center for Psychometrics and Measurements in Education of Institute of Education; Natalya Putilo, head of the Social Legislation Department of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation; Alexey Mayorov, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Institute of Education; Vitaly Matveev, head of the Laboratory of Educational Law, Moscow State Pedagogical University; Nadezhda Bysik, a leading expert at the Pinsky Centre of General and Extracurricular Education of Institute of Education, discussant Ksenia Adamovich, a research intern at the International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis.
Authors and discussants made a presentation of the material presented in the monograph: Jan de Grof, Ph.D., academic supervisor, Laboratory of Educational Law, Institute of Education; Szymon Jankiewicz, head of Education Law Laboratory, Institute of Education; Nadezhda Knyaginina, junior research fellow, Laboratory of Education Law; Victor Bolotov, scientific director of the Center for Psychometrics and Measurement in Education, Institute of Education; Natalya Putilo, head of the Social Legislation Department of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation; Alexey Mayorov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Institute of Education; Vitaly Matveev, head of the Laboratory of Education Law, Moscow State Pedagogical University; Nadezhda Bysik, a leading expert at the A.A. Center for General and Further Education Pinsk Institute of Education, discussant Ksenia Adamovich, a research intern at the International Laboratory for Evaluation of Practices and Innovations in Education.
The staff of Education Law Laboratory would like to sincerely thank all participants of the III Week of Education Law!
The first event of the week was an expert seminar "The quality control in education: the boundaries of state regulation and the "regulatory guillotine".
The upcoming administrative reform in the field of education is not only to reduce the load on educational organizations but also to release space for working with the quality of education in the essence. For this, it is necessary to take into account the existing Russian experience and foreign practices. The discussion of this experience was the goal of an expert seminar, on which the following issues were also discussed:
What are the current problems in the field of education quality control in Russia and in the world?
How should the quality control be carried out at the levels of school and vocational education?
Which role should the government and non-state procedures play in assessing the quality of education and quality management?
The seminar was attended by foreign and Russian specialists: Jan De Groof, academic supervisor of the Education Law Laboratory, professor at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and Tilburg University (Netherlands), president of the European Association of Educational Law and Politics (ELA), William Maxwell, educational consultant, former head of Education Scotland, E. A. Lenskaya, dean of the Department of Education Management, Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences, A.V. Grebtsova, head department of The State Control (Supervision) in the field of education of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region, as well as employees of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics.
December 17th:
At the traditional "Tuesday" seminar of the Institute of Education "Actual Research and Development in the Field of Education" Professor Dirk Van Damme, head of the OECD Innovation and Measuring Progress Division, delivered a presentation "What is the reason for the difference between research in the field of education and problems of educational systems".
In his report, the professor highlighted one of the most exciting topics - why research in the field of education does not always solve the problems that educational systems face around the world, as well as the main trends in educational research and the main risks and problems that educational systems face.
The following issues were raised throughout the report:
Why does not research in the field of education sufficiently influence changes in educational policy?
How does the quantity and quality of research in the field of education affect these changes (and their lack)?
What systemic risks exist in education at the moment?
What discrepancies exist between research in the field of education and problems of educational systems?
How can new studies of learning help improve support for educational systems?
Discussants were: M.L. Agranovich - head of the Center for Monitoring and Education Statistics of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; S.G. Kosaretsky - director of the Pinsky Centre of General and Extracurricular Education of Institute of Education of the HSE, I.M. Remorenko - the rector of Moscow City University, A.A. Margolis is the rector of the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education.
December 18th:
A workshop was held at the Faculty of Law of the National Research University of Higher School of Economics, where colleagues discussed new ideas and directions used in seminar work.
At the Faculty of Law, the Laboratory of Educational Law conducts the course "Educational Law". As part of this course, teachers try to engage students in solving practical problems and teach them the skills of activity, conducting seminars in different formats. To share the results of work on courses on the legal regulation of educational activity, a "Workshop on educational law" was created.
The workshop was attended by Szymon Jankiewicz, Nadezhda Knyaginina, as well as Vladimir Isakov, Fatima Suleimanova, Tatyana Hramova, Yuri Arzamasov, Valentina Sinelnikova, Yulia Erokhina, Olga Fonotova and Oksana Chernenko.
The Third Week of Education Law was completed by the presentation of the collective monograph "Management of the education system at different levels: the vertical of power, the transfer of powers and regional cooperation", that took place on December 19.
The collective monograph represents the views of Russian and foreign researchers and experts in the field of education and the law on the problems of multilevel management of the education system. Scientists and practitioners talk about principles that should be followed in the process of organizing the educational system, social institutions that influence it, and consequences that a transfer of authority between levels of government has for the education sector. Russian authors consider the results of recent reforms in the field of redistribution of powers in the field of education, the impact of such a redistribution on certain areas, as well as specific cases of regional practice of exercising powers and cooperation. The monograph is equipped with analytical applications that graphically represent the distribution of powers in the field of education in Russia between different levels of public authority.
Authors and discussants made a presentation of the material presented in the monograph: Jan de Grof, PhD, academic supervisor of the Education Law Laboratory of the Institute of Education; Szymon Jankiewicz, head of the Education Law Laboratory of the Institute of Education; Nadezhda Knyaginina, junior researcher of the Education Law Laboratory; Victor Alexandrovich Bolotov, scientific director of the Center for Psychometrics and Measurements in Education of Institute of Education; Natalya Putilo, head of the Social Legislation Department of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation; Alexey Mayorov, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Institute of Education; Vitaly Matveev, head of the Laboratory of Educational Law, Moscow State Pedagogical University; Nadezhda Bysik, a leading expert at the Pinsky Centre of General and Extracurricular Education of Institute of Education, discussant Ksenia Adamovich, research intern at the International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis.
Authors and discussants made a presentation of the material presented in the monograph: Jan de Grof, PhD, Academic Supervisor, Laboratory of Educational Law, Institute of Education; Semyon Vasilyevich Yankevich, Head of the Laboratory of Educational Law, Institute of Education; Nadezhda Vladimirovna Knyaginina, Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Educational Law; Victor Alexandrovich Bolotov, scientific director of the Center for Psychometrics and Measurements in Education, Institute of Education; Natalya Vasilievna Putilo, Head of the Social Legislation Department of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation; Alexey Nikolaevich Mayorov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Institute of Education; Vitaly Yurievich Matveev, Head of the Laboratory of Educational Law, Moscow State Pedagogical University; Nadezhda Viktorovna Bysik, a leading expert at the A.A. Center for General and Further Education Pinsk Institute of Education, discussant Ksenia Alexandrovna Adamovich, intern researcher at the International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis.
The staff of the Education Law Laboratory would like to sincerely thank all participants of the III Week of Educational Law!