Education Law Laboratory

XIX Annual International Conference regarding the Trends in the development of education: "Law and Freedom in education"

The staff of the Educational Law Laboratory made presentations at the conference-events
Szymon Jankiewicz and Nadezhda Knyaginina presented the report regarding following theme: "What can the principal of a modern Russian school manage and what does he really manage?" at the small plenum "School autonomy: its advantages and boundaries". The speech was based around the discussion of the issue of school autonomy in the context of the autonomy of the principal and his/her managerial functions. 

Despite the fact that the general concept of school autonomy has become the basis of most models of education management in developed and developing countries, the practical implementation of such autonomy differs. For example, in China, autonomy may manifest itself in matters of financing, but not in the formation of an educational program. In Greece, schools, at first glance, are quite autonomous in making managerial decisions, but they do not have the opportunity to hire or dismiss teachers freely. To understand how autonomous schools are in Russia, the speakers suggest using the most basic approach to a school as an enterprise run by a school principal. An assessment of how limited it is in its functions by the requirements of the law, the situation on the labor market, existing social relations, ultimately allows us to assess the degree of autonomy of the school. Specific examples of such limitations and ways to overcome them were presented in the framework of the report.

The recording of the speech can be found here.

Evgenii Puchkov and Violetta Balzhinimaeva spoke about the regulatory and legal-regulation of extracurricular education in the post-Soviet space in the framework of the round table "Extracurricular education in post-Soviet countries: regulation, guarantees and rights". Since 15 post-Soviet countries have a common starting point for the development of an independent educational policy and a common legacy in the field of extracurricular education (institution systems), the following issues present an interest: How have countries managed this legacy over the past 30 years? Which way are they moving? Can we identify any regularities in regulation? Common approaches? Common points of intersection?

Colleagues from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan also presented their reports and took part in the discussion.

The recording of the speech can be found here.