Education Law Laboratory

Szymon Jankiewicz and Nadezhda Knyaginina participated in the second Tomsk forum "Education transformation"

On a problem symposium "Education without borders. Potential of microdegrees and microqualifications" Szymon Jankiewicz made the report "Customization of the Russian higher education through systems of microdegrees". It showed how universities can include microdegrees in the activities, and the vision of future development of this sphere.

Nadezhda Knyaginina acted on the expert panel "Concepts and management models as education transformation: conditions of successful application, risks, possible consequences" with the report "Cooperation of universities: who, with whom and what for? in search of substantiality". Based on the system analysis of literature she showed as the interuniversity cooperation is a little researched and raised a question of its potential.

Szymon and Nadezhda acted as experts in a case laboratory "Experimental programs of participating universities of the pilot project, directed on change of levels of professional education". Szymon was an expert concerning programs of a legal and economic orientation, and Nadezhda — concerning humanitarian programs.