Project team
Research Fellow
Associate professor in economics Baykalsky State University, Institute of Economy and Management
Head of the Humanities Institute, Associated professor in history, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Severodvinsk department
Vice-rector, Associated Professor in pedagogical sciences, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. Astafiev
Associated Professor in pedagogical sciens, Masters’ programs leader, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. Astafiev

Associated professor in pedagogical science, Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P.P. Semenova-Tian-Shansky

Vice-rector, Associated professor in pedagogical science, Povolzhskaya Academy of Physical culture, sport and tourism

Associated professor in economics, Institute of Management, Economics and Finance, Kazan Federal University
Professor, Doctor in technical sciences, Head of the Department, Kostroma State University

Vice-rector, Head of the supply qualification faculty, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN)

Associated professor, Deputy Director Of the Economic and Entrepreneurship Institute, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN)

Head of the social pedagogy department, University of Tyumen
Associated Professor in pedagogicak sciences, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University

Dean of the Social Science Faculty, Associated professor in social sciences, Smolensky State University

Associated Professor at the Eurasia and East Faculty, Chelyabinsk State University

Head of the Management in education Quality Center, ITMO University, St. Petersburg

Samara State technological University

Southern Ural State human-pedagogical University

Associated professor in Social Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Adviser to Rector
Associate Professor

Associeted Professor in Physical and Mathematic sciences, Deputy Director in the International Center for the Digital Economy Transfer

Associated Professor at the Management and economic of labor market department, Donetsk national university
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