The Laboratory for Digital Transformation of Education studies ways in which digital technologies are changing the education system since 2019. Our team researches the emergence of digital technologies and their role in the development of education, analyzes the effectiveness of digital products and solutions, elaborating strategies on how to manage various processes at national and regional levels, as well as for individual organizations.
Amelina N., Dvoretskaya I., Olga Romanova et al.
UNESCO IITE; HSE University; BNU, 2022.
Dvoretskaya I.
Behaviour and Information Technology. 2024. P. 1-19.
Parandekar S. D., Patarakin Y., Yayla G.
In bk.: Key Competences and New Literacies: From Slogans to School Reality. Springer, 2023. Ch. 13. P. 367-390.
Bochaver Alexandra, Корзун А. Н., Polivanova K. N.
PSYCHOLOGY. WP BRP. Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2016. No. 71.