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Briefly about participation in AERA Annual Meeting

Briefly about participation in AERA Annual Meeting
Research Assistant Evgenia Shmeleva participated in the AERA Annual Meeting which took place in San Antonio, USA from April 27 till May 1, 2017.

CSHE Team took part in Edcrunch Ural Conference

CSHE Team took part in Edcrunch Ural Conference

The survey SERU-I has been launched

The survey SERU-I has been launched
The Center of Sociology of Higher Education and the Center for Institutional Research have launched the survey "Student Experience in the Research University" SERU-I. The Survey is open from April 3 to April 30, 2017. Every 10th participant who completes the survey “Student Experience in the Research University” will receive a gift card for a cup of Jeffrey’s coffee. Also, all active and creative students can take part in the slogan contest. The grand prize –  camera GoPro  and nice participants will receive an audience choice award –  HSE hoodies .

Fortunate 500 Universities Rankings selected the "luckiest" universities in the world

Unlike most other inferior, data-based assessment systems, its hi-tech algorithms work with a completely randomized sample basis. The results aren’t prejudiced by factors such as exam results, quality of teaching, or caliber of research. Instead, Fortunate 500 is totally random. As a result, its No. 1 university may not be the most academically rigorous; it might not be the most highly respected institution; it might not be an actual university at all. It will, though, be the luckiest university to have been picked randomly out of a sample of 2,000 institutions.

Potanin's community is growing

Potanin's community is growing
Sincere congratulations to Alisa Bezman, a first year student of MA program "Evidence-based Educational Policy" and a Research Assistant at the Center of Sociology of Higher Education, with well-deserved victory in Vladimir Potanin Fellowship Program.

Meeting with Graduate students

On March 6 there was a meeting with students of the master's programme "Social Comparative Research". Representatives of the centers of the Institute of Education introduced the main projects they are working on and invited students to join their projects.

The Center has got the Silver Nestling

The Center has got the Silver Nestling
Sincere congratulations to Evgenia Shmeleva who was awarded the "Silver Nestling". Evgenia's colleagues are proud of her outstanding achievements in studies and research, admire her proactive attitude, aspiration for self-development and wish her success in future.

Congratulations to Igor Chirikov on his new position!

Congratulations to Igor Chirikov on his new position!
The director of the Center of Sociology of Higher Education was appointed Vice Rector for Students and Alumni Affairs.

New preprint has been published

Tatiana Semenova' s preprint "Participation in massive open online courses: the effect of learner motivation and engagement on achievement" has been published in HSE series "Education".

Participation in “GradSERU Europe and Beyond” Symposium

Participation in “GradSERU Europe and Beyond” Symposium
The Center of Sociology of Higher Education has been coordinating the International Consortium "Student Experience in Research University" together with the University of California – Berkeley (USA) for seversl years. At the moment the research team is working on broadening the project: it is planned to study not only undergraduate students but graduate students as well. In University of Utrecht (October 10-11, 2016) there was Symposium “GradSERU Europe and Beyond” where advantages and challenges were discussed.