The winners of the KIVO Education Innovation Competition and the Innovator’s Voice all-Russia contest of youth social and educational innovations have been announced. Both competitions were organized by HSE University: KIVO 2021 in partnership with the Rybakov Foundation with support from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, and Innovator’s Voice with support from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.
Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research spoke at III Russo-Chinese Summer School “Overcoming Educational Challenges of COVID-19: Inequalities, Innovations, Technologies”. From 12th to 16th of July, the school brought together students of the Higher School of Economics and International Education College - Zhejiang University, one of the most prestigious pedagogical institutions in China.
The HSE Institute of Education and Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University have recently entered into a cooperation to advance research and development across an array of domains in education.
The HSE Institute of Education and Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University have recently entered into a cooperation to advance research and development across an array of domains in education.
1825 kilometers, different time zones and borders closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic did not stop the study of “Cultural patterns as a factor of successful digital transformation of Russian and Hungarian educational systems” (RFBR grant № 20-513-23002). The Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research (LEIR) and researchers from the Hungarian Eötvös Loránd University have a zoom-meeting every 2 weeks to work on a research project. The teams conduct joint research and develop long-term partnership in expert and educational areas. At the end of 2020, Russian and Hungarian teams had an online meeting to exchange their best educational practices.
The 2019 Innovations in Education Competition, organized by HSE University’s Institute of Education and the Rybakov Foundation, received more than 600 project submissions. First prize went to a St. Petersburg-based team for a project that aims to combat bullying against hearing-impaired children. The winners received an internship grant valid in any country in the world courtesy of the Institute of Education.
According to a report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) entitled Measuring Innovation in Education 2019: What Has Changed in the Classroom?, Russia ranked among the top three countries where schools are changing most rapidly.
This February, the OECD Headquarters in Paris welcomed a premier cohort of educational experts from the EU, the USA, Australia, Argentina, Chile, Russia, etc. for a global forum to discuss findings from OECD’s large-scale project that analyzes how the landscapes of educational innovations have been evolving across 40 countries during the past 10 years.
This is the first project in the five-year history of the competition that is not directly related to social issues. The project’s authors will receive a travel grant and the opportunity to present their start-up anywhere in the world.