Научные публикации
Публикации на русском языке
Карданова Е. Ю., Иванова А. Е., Сергоманов П. А., Канонир Т. Н., Антипкина И. В., Кайкы Д. Н. Обобщенные типы развития первоклассников на входе в школу. По материалам исследования iPIPS // Вопросы образования. 2018. № 1. С. 8-37.
Антипкина И. В. Исследования «родительской вовлеченности» в России и за рубежом // Отечественная и зарубежная педагогика. 2017. Т. 1. № 4 (41). С. 102-114.
Антипкина И. В., Кузнецова М. И., Карданова Е. Ю. Что способствует и что мешает прогрессу детей в чтении // Вопросы образования. 2017. № 2. С. 206-233.
Карданова Е. Ю., Панасенко Е. В., Брагинец Е. И. Связь использования новых технологий и средств обучения с достижениями учащихся в начальной школе / Качество образования в Евразии. 2017. № 5. С. 81-96
Иванова А. Е., Кузнецова М. И., Семенов С. В., Федорова Т. Т. Факторы, определяющие готовность первоклассников к школе и факторы, ее определяющие: выявление региональных особенностей // Вопросы образования. 2016. № 4
Иванова А., Нисская А. Стартовая диагностика детей на входе в начальную школу: международное исследование iPIPS // Школьные технологии, 2015 №2, c. 161-168.
Хоукер Д., Карданова Е. Ю. Cтартовая диагностика детей на входе в начальную школу и оценка их прогресса в течение первого года обучения: международное исследование iPIPS // В кн.: Тенденции развития образования. Что такое эффективная школа и эффективный детский сад?. М. : Издательский дом «Дело» РАНХиГС, 2014.
Публикации на английском языке
Kuzmina Y., Ivanova A., Kaiky D. The effect of phonological processing on mathematics performance in elementary school varies for boys and girls: Fixed‐effects longitudinal analysis // British educational research journal. 2019 doi
Ilyushina N., Kuzmina Y., Kaiky D. the Deficit of Phonological Processing Associated with both Maths and Reading Difficulties Rather than Separate Maths or Reading Difficulties / Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ. Series WP BRP "PSYCHOLOGY". 2019. No. 107.
Kuzmina Y., Ivanova A., Kaiky D. The effect of phonological ability on math is modulated by socioeconomic status in elementary school / Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ. Series WP BRP "PSYCHOLOGY". 2018.
Ivanova A., Kardanova E., Merrell C., Tymss P., Hawker D. Checking the possibility of equating a mathematics assessment between Russia, Scotland and England for children starting school // Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice. 2018. Vol. 25. No. 2. P. 141-159.
Orel E., Irina Brun, Kardanova E., Antipkina I. Developmental Patterns of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills of Russian First-Graders // International Journal of Early Childhood. 2018. Vol. 50. No. 3. P. 297-314
Vasilyeva M., Dearing E., Ivanova A., Shen C., Kardanova E. Testing the family investment model in Russia: Estimating indirect effects of SES and parental beliefs on the literacy skills of first-graders // Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 2018. No. 42. P. 11-20.
Orel E., Brun I. V., Kardanova E., Ivanova A. Noncognitive Development of First Graders and Their Cognitive Performance / Series "PSYCHOLOGY" WP BRP 57/PSY/2016
Orel, Ekaterina and Ponomareva, Alena, Children with Behavioral Problems in the First Grade of Russian School: Similarities and Differences / Higher School of Economics Research Paper 2016. No. WP BRP 66/PSY/2016
Ivanova A., Kardanova E., Merrell C., Tymss P., Hawker D. Checking the possibility of equating a mathematics assessment between Russia, Scotland and England for children starting school // Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice. 2018. Vol. 25. No. 2. P. 141-159
Kardanova E., Ivanova A., Merrell C., Hawker D., Tymms P. The Role Of The Ipips Assessment In Providing High Quality Value Added Information On School And System Effectiveness Within And Between Countries / Working papers by NRU Higher School of Economics. Series EDU "Education". 2014. No. WP BRP 20/EDU/2014.
Tymms, P., Merrell, C., & Wildy, H. (2014). The progress of pupils in their first school year across classes and educational systems. British Educational Research Journal.
Styles, I., Wildy, H., Pepper, V., Faulkner, J and Berman, Y. (2014) Australian Indigenous students’ performance on the PIPS-BLA Reading and Mathematics scales: 2011-2013 International Research in Early Childhood Education5, 1
Tymms, P., Merrell, C., Hawker, D. and Nicholson, F. (2014) Performance Indicators in Primary Schools: A comparison of performance on entry to school and the progress made in the first year in England and four other jurisdictions: Research report. Department for Education: London.https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/performance-indicators-in-primary-schools
Hawker, D. (accepted)Baseline Assessment in an International Context in Dixon, P. (ed) Handbook of International Development and Education
Wolgemuth, J., Savage, R., Abrami, P. Helmer, J., Lea, T., Harper, H., Tess, L.(2014). Examining the Impact of ABRACADABRA on Early Literacy in Northern Australia: AnImplementation Fidelity Analysis The Journal of Educational Research, 00:1–13,
Peasant, K., Frank, N. and Schneider, W. (2014). Fähigkeitsindikatoren Primarschule (FIPS) – Überprüfung des Lernerfolgs in der ersten Klasse. Formative Leistungsdiagnostik. Tests und Trends. N.F. Vol. 12 : Formative Leistungsdiagnostik. M. Hasselhorn, Schneider, W. & Trautwein, U. . Göttingen:, Hogrefe. 12.
McGuinness, C., L. Sproule, et al. (2013). "Impact of a play‐based curriculum in the first two years of primary school: literacy and numeracy outcomes over seven years." British Educational Research Journal.
Tymms, P., Merrell., C. and Wildy, H.(submitted) The Progress of Pupils in Their First School Year across Classes and Educational Systems
Merrell, C., Styles, I., Jones, P., Tymms, P and Wildy, H. (2013)Cross-country Comparisons of Inattentive, Hyperactive and Impulsive Behaviour in School-Based Samples of Young Children International Research in Early Childhood Education Vol 4, 1
Merrell, C. and Bailey, K. (2012) Predicting Achievement in the Early Years: How Influential is Personal, Social and Emotional Development? Online educational research Journal ( http://www.oerj.org/View?action=viewPaper&paper=55)
Tymms, P., Merrell, C., Henderson, B., Albone, S., & Jones, P. (2012 (June)). Learning Difficulties in the Primary School Years: Predictability from On-Entry Baseline Assessment. Online Educational Research Journal.
Tymms, P.B. and Merrell, C. (2011) ADHD and academic attainment; is there an advantage in impulsivity Learning and Individual Differences
Merrell, C., & Tymms, P. (2011). Changes in Children's Cognitive Development at the Start of School in England 2001-2008. Oxford Review of Education.
Wolgemuth, J., Savage, R., Helmer, J., Lea, T., Harper, H., Chalkiti, K., . . . Abrami, P. (2011). Using computer-based instruction to improve Indigenous early literacy in Northern Australia: A quasi-experimental study. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(4), 727-750.
Bäuerlein, K., Franz, U., Jost, M. & Schneider, W. (2010). Fähigkeitsindikatoren Primarschule (FIPS) - Erprobung und Weiterentwicklung einer internationalen computerbasierten Schulanfangsdiagnose Tests and Trends: Frühprognose schulischer Kompetenzen. M. H. W. Schneider. Göttingen, Hogrefe 9.
Sayal, K., V. Owen, White, Merrell, Tymms and Taylor. (2010). "Impact of Early School-Based Screening and Intervention Programs for ADHD on Children's Outcomes and Access to Services." Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 164(5): 462-469.
Archer, E., V. Scherman, R. Coe and S. J. Howie (2010). "Finding the best fit: the adaptation and translation of the Performance Indicators for Primary Schools (PIPS) for the South African context." Perspectives in Education. 28, 1 77-88
Tymms, P., Jones, P., Albone, S., & Henderson, B. (2009). The first seven years at school. Educational Assessment and Evaluation Accountability, 21, 67-80.
Tymms, P., & Merrell, C. (2009). On-Entry Baseline Assessment Across Cultures. In A. Anning, J. Cullen & M. Fleer (Eds.), Early Childhood Education: Society & Culture, 2nd edition (2nd edition ed., pp. 117-128, 226). London: Sage Publications.
Wildy, H., & Styles, I. (2008). Measuring what students entering school know and can do: PIPS Australia 2006-2007. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 33(4), 43-52.
Wildy, H., & Styles, I. (2008). What Australian students entering primary school know and can do. Journal of Australian Research in Early Childhood Education, 15(2), 75-85.
Vidmar, M. and P. Tymms (08/09). Performance Indicators in Primary Schools: On-Entry Baseline Assessment and Follow-Up Material (PIPS-BA). Znanstvena Porocila Pedagoskega Instituta. Ljubljana, Pedagoski Institut.
Merrell, C. and Tymms, P. (2007). What children know and can do when they start school and how this varies between countries. Journal of Early Childhood Research 5(2): 115-134.
Tymms, P. and Merrell, C. (2006) The Impact of Screening and Advice on Inattentive, Hyperactive and Impulsive Children, European Journal of Special Educational Needs 21(3) p 321 – 337.
Merrell, C. and Tymms, P.B. (2005). International Comparisons Of Early Literacy. Literacy Today March 200518-19.
Merrell, C. and Tymms, P. (2005) Rasch Analysis Of Inattentive, Hyperactive And Impulsive Behaviour In Young Children And The Link With Academic Achievement, Journal of Applied Measurement 6 (1) p1 - 18.
Van der Hoeven-van Doornum, A. (2005). Development on scale, instruction at measure: OBIS, a system of value added indicators in primary education. Nijmegen, ITS, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
Van der Hoeven-van Doornum, A. and P. Tymms (2005). The prediction of learning progress in young children using social-ethnic background or baseline assessment as predictors. Development on scale, instruction at measure: OBIS, a system of value added indicators in primary education. A. v. d. H.-v. Doornum. Nijmegen, ITS, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen:Chapter 5, pages 101-111.
Tymms, P., Merrell, C. and Jones, P. (2004) Using Baseline Assessment Data To Make International Comparisons, British Educational Research Journal, 30(5) p673 – 689.
Tymms, P.B., Jones, P., Merrell, C., Henderson, B. and Cowie, M. (2004). Children Starting School in Scotland. A report of research funded by the Scottish Executive Education Department. (downloadable)
Van der Hoeven-van Doornum, A. (2004). Cognitive and Social Profiles: Predictors and Outcomes of Educational Achievement in the Lower Years of Primary School from the Perspective of WSNS (Going to School Together). Nijmegen, ITS, Universiteit van Nijmegen.
Tymms, P., Brien, D., Merrell, C., Collins, J. and Jones, P. (2003) Young deaf children and the prediction of reading and mathematics. Journal of Early Childhood Research 1(2): 197 – 212.
Tymms, P. and M. Wylde (2003). Basispruefverfahren und Dauerbeobachtung in der Grundschule. Anschlussfaehige Bildungsprozesse im Elementar- und Primarbereich, University of Bamberg, Verlag Julius Klinkhardt: Bad Heilbrunn.
Merrell, C., Tymms, P. and Jones, P. (2003). The Impact of Pre-School Education on Language and Mathematical Devleopment. 13th European Early Childhood Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Glasgow.
Tymms, P. and S. Albone (2002). Performance Indicators in Primary Schools. School Improvement Through Performance Feedback. A. J. Visscher and R. Coe. Lisse/Abingdon/Exton PA/Tokyo, Swetz & Zeitlinger:191-218.
Merrell, C. and Tymms, P. (2001) Inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness: Their impact on academic achievement and progress, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, p43 – 56.
Tymms, P., Merrell, C. and Henderson, B. (2000) Baseline Assessment and Progress during the First Three Years at School. Educational Research and Evaluation 6(2) p105 – 109.
Tymms, P. (1999). Baseline Assessment and Monitoring in Primary Schools: Achievements, Attitudes and Value-added Indicators. London, David Fulton Publishers.
CEM Centre (1999). Performance Indicators in Primary Schools: Baseline Assessment: Technical Report: CD-ROM Version. Durham, CEM Centre, University of Durham.
Tymms, P. B. (1999). Baseline assessment, value-added and the prediction of reading. Journal of Research in Reading, 22(1), 27-36.
Tymms, P. B., & Preedy, P. (1998). The attainment and progress of twins at the start of school. Educational Research, 40(2), 243-249.
Tymms, P., Merrell, C., & Henderson, B. (1997). The First Year at School: A quantitative investigation of the attainment and progress of pupils. Educational Research and Evaluation, 3(2), 101-118.
Tymms, P., & Williams, D. (1996). Baseline Assessment and Value-added (REF: COM/96/578). London: School Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
Tymms, P., Merrell, C., & Henderson, B. (1995). Pre-School Experience: An Analysis of Reception Assessment Data. A report for the Audit Commission: Available from the Commission : CEM Centre, Newcastle University.
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