Education Law Laboratory

Research & Expertise

XV International Conference on Higher Education (ICHE) Held

XV International Conference on Higher Education (ICHE) Held
Staff from the Education Law Laboratory recently participated in the XV International Conference on Higher Education (ICHE) 2024, themed "Higher Education: Efficiency and Well-Being Balance"

Student's expedition "Studying of the relation to practicians of a network form of implementation of educational programs of Kamchatka" took place

Student's expedition "Studying of the relation to practicians of a network form of implementation of educational programs of Kamchatka" took place
Expedition was organized from April 14 to April 28, 2024, within the program of support of student's expeditions "We rediscover Russia"

Szymon Jankiewicz and Nadezhda Knyaginina participated in the second Tomsk forum "Education transformation"

Szymon Jankiewicz and Nadezhda Knyaginina participated in the second Tomsk forum "Education transformation"

IV Week of education law

IV Week of education law
Education for language policy in the turned format

IV Week of education law

IV Week of education law
Education Law Laboratory at the Open seminar of Institute of Education provided results of the research "Internal systems of a quality evaluation of education in documents of the Russian universities: quality assurance or visibility?"

The IV Week of the educational law started today

The IV Week of the educational law started today
Stream with Anatoly Kasprzhak and Szymon Jankiewicz "The principal and Legal reality" became the first action of it

Nadezhda Knyaginina took part in the XIV International conference of researchers of the higher education

Nadezhda Knyaginina took part in the XIV International conference of researchers of the higher education

Nadezhda Knyaginina took part in the "By keeping the Past, We Create the Future" conference organized by the Kamchatka State University

Nadezhda Knyaginina took part in the "By keeping the Past, We Create the Future" conference organized by the Kamchatka State University

Publication of Education Law Laboratory's 2020 Annual Report

Publication of Education Law Laboratory's 2020 Annual Report
The report summarises the activities of the Laboratory throughout 2020 and includes information about internal projects, external scientific and public events, educational, expert analytical and advisory work undertaken by our team.

Nadezhda Knyaginina’s and Evgenii Puchkov’s article ‘What Do You Do After School? What Is The Typical Day Of Today’s Russian Schoolchildren’ has been pusblished.

Nadezhda Knyaginina’s and Evgenii Puchkov’s article ‘What Do You Do After School? What Is The Typical Day Of Today’s Russian Schoolchildren’ has been pusblished.
The bell rings for the last class, a student is heading home. What will they do next? Will they attend an afterschool class or will they do their homework? Maybe they will study with a tutor or hang out with their friends? How much time do these afterschool activities usually take? Answers to these questions were received from a survey conducted among more than 1000 students and their parents.