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New issue of HERB "Higher Education Landscape in Post-Soviet Countries: 25 Years of Changes"

The new of issue of the Higher Education in Russia and Beyond "Higher Education Landscape in Post-Soviet Countries: 25 Years of Changes" is released. The new issue covers the transformations of higher education in the former Soviet republics. This issue’s particular focus is the changes of the institutional landscape in the postSoviet countries with regard to national trends of higher education expansion. The papers of the issue include key empirical findings of the project.

The 'Culture of Civility' (odob) and Its Influence on the Educational System in Uzbekistan

The first session of a workshop dedicated to the topic of “Soviet and Post-soviet education: the research perspectives” took place at the Institute of Education on Wednesday. It was marked by a research presentation “The culture of civility (odob) and its influence on the educational system in Uzbekistan” by anthropologist Jesko Schmoller, PhD.