On May 20, Days of the International Academy of Education kicked off at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Experts from all over the world who focus on global education policy trends will meet up across a number of HSE venues to engage in vibrant, multi-format networking, including lectures, workshops, Q&A sessions, etc. They will share their experience with Russian researchers, instructors and policymakers over the course of three days.
Tag "discussions"
In July 2017, the HSE Institute of Education welcomed its first international summer school Inequality of Educational Opportunities. Organized by the IOE International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis, this venue aimed to promote best-practice approaches to inequality research through multi-dimensional academic debate and learning about today’s advanced methodology in social data analysis.
Members of our Laboratory presented their research in the international conference “Trajectories in education and careers”
This paper will use the OECD PISA and Survey of Adult Skills data to examine the variation across countries in the distribution of the literacy and numeracy skills of young people and adults, how these change over the life course, and how the characteristics of education and training systems affect this.