Experts at IOE and Yandex have reported findings from a one-of-a-kind massive joint study that they carried out in association with Stanford and the University of California to evaluate whether and how engaging in practices of e-learning contributes to academic performance in primary school. Completing more assignments online can be specifically of aid in catching up those early-graders who fall behind on math literacy, the study suggests.
Tag "partnerships"
On May 20, Days of the International Academy of Education kicked off at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Experts from all over the world who focus on global education policy trends will meet up across a number of HSE venues to engage in vibrant, multi-format networking, including lectures, workshops, Q&A sessions, etc. They will share their experience with Russian researchers, instructors and policymakers over the course of three days.
Call for applications extended until May 24
Members of our Laboratory presented their research in the international conference “Trajectories in education and careers”
Education determines people's chances of success in life. Also it is the mechanism for the reproduction of the social stratification of the new generations. The form of the educational system in the country is related with skills distribution in society and the level of inter-generational social mobility. This is an important factor of income distribution of the population, which leads economic inequality. Therefore, the modern debates about educational inequality and policy in this area are important to reduce economic inequality.