В Институте образования ВШЭ прошла встреча членов авторского коллектива нового комментария к Федеральному закону «Об образовании», в ходе которой авторы обсудили вопросы по работе над комментарием, а также обозначили новые задачи и план работы.
Szymon Jankiewicz presented a report about “Development of additional education in Russia: achievements and new challenges”.
On the 30th of January as a part of the weekly seminar in the Institute of Education Fernand de Varennes, UN’s special Rapporteur on minority issues, gave a lecture “25 Years of the Declaration on Minority Rights: National Minorities’ Problems in Education”.
On the 30th of January Professor Fernand de Varennes, UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues, gave a lecture on the topic “Protection of minorities in the international law: its importance during global instability”.
On the 29th of January the Center for Education Law held an expert seminar on “Minorities and Linguistic Rights in Education”.
University of Bialystok (Poland) held its third internship within the project EduLaw “Introducing modules on law and rights in programmes of teacher training and educational sciences: A contribution to building rights-based education systems in countries in transition”.
Professor from Roma Tre University, Pablo Meix Cereceda, outlined the critical areas of concern of the report and, in particular, the theoretical basis of inclusive education, international regulation of the problem, approach to he issue from the position of constitutional law, analysis of the practice of positive discrimination.