Education Law Laboratory


Global University Summit BRICS

Global University Summit BRICS
Members of the Centre for Applied Legal Research Szymon Jankiewicz and Nadezhda Knyaginina participated in the Global University Summit BRICS. The Summit is an official event of Russia’s chairmanship in BRICS 2015-2016. The forum was held by MGIMO, MSU, RUDN and MISIS.

Publication of the Article "The Implementation of the Rights and Responsibilities of Students: Analysis of the Russian Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice"

The article examines legislator and judicial practice’s approaches to the implementation of students’ rights and responsibilities. The authors expose several gaps in the current legislation regarding education and define ways of eliminating them.

Publication of the Commentary to Chapter 2 "Students" of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

The publication covers the most important topics of legal regulation of educational relations. In a systematic way it sets out the rights and obligations of those participating in these relations; defines the requirements for the contents of educational organizations’ rules; examines the existing problems of general, professional and supplementary education. An exclusive attention is paid to the issues of financial security in the field of education.