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General and extracurricular education transformation in the ex-Soviet countries

The Pinsky Centre has been conducting a comprehensive study on the transformation of general and extracurricular education in the former Soviet Union since 2016. The purpose of this study is to accurately describe the variability of development trajectories of secondary schools after the collapse of the USSR. This includes analyzing and comparing various evolutionary paths of change during the transformation of the unified cultural and geopolitical space of the USSR.

What makes this study unique is its ability to compare information accumulated over the past 30 years on the transformation of school and out-of-school education systems in the research field. It compares the development trajectories of educational systems in the context of studying the problems of educational inequality, school choice, and other research issues.

The project "Models of National Education Systems: Similarities and Differences in the Structures and Results of Transformations" was implemented in 2016. Within the framework of the project, a database of indicators of the dynamics of the functioning of school educational systems in 15 countries of the former USSR was developed and compiled in close cooperation with the World Bank. These indicators covered the period of development of school education from 1991 to 2015.

The indicators made it possible to assess the characteristics of national educational systems in terms of all the most important institutional characteristics, including the economics of education, the development of a network of educational organizations, indicators of the dynamics of the contingent of schoolchildren and teachers, and the development of a school certification system.

The results of the project were presented at the CIES International Conference in Vancouver in 2016 and also published in international peer-reviewed journals. This study provides valuable insights into the transformation of education systems in the former Soviet Union and will serve as a useful resource for policymakers, researchers, and educators alike.

Out-of-school education development in the ex-Soviet countries.


School choice index



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