Visiting Scholars
Visiting Scholars
We are willing to host international scholars in education or related fields who wish to work on joint research projects, and participate in the academic community of the Institute.
Those interested are invited to submit an informal letter of inquiry, outlining their research interests, the nature of their research projects, the time of potential stay, and request for any support needed. Those who are invited as Visiting Scholars receive official status from the Academic Director on the advice of the heads of research units. The status does not imply financial commitment on behalf of the HSE, such as payment for holding seminars, lecturing, travel costs or accommodation. There is no fee assessed to the visiting scholar either.
Visiting Scholars receive visa support, shared office space, a discounted hotel room, a computer, library borrowing privileges, access to University facilities and events.
They are expected to maintain a personal web page for the duration of the visit, and participate in seminars and other scholarly events. An occasional request for guest teaching is also possible.

Manager for International Cooperation, email: