Visiting Students
Visiting Students
Every year, the Institute of Education welcomes international students to conduct research in education or a related field. Visiting Students are individuals whose research will fulfill degree requirements from another university. The research should be endorsed by one of our Centers or Laboratories.
Usually, Visiting Students stay from one to 12 months. We offer the benefits of a vibrant scholarly community with an active research agenda, in one of the most exciting and cosmopolitan cities in Europe. Visiting Students are selected competitively on the basis of the applicant's research plans, and the relevance of the research to the Institute’s mission and objectives.
Visiting Students receive visa support, shared office space, a discounted hotel room, a computer, library borrowing privileges, access to University facilities and events, and opportunities to audit classes and attend seminars in the Institute and its graduate programs. We are also able to share certain research data. Visiting Students and/or their home institutions cover all expenses.

Manager for International Cooperation, email: