16th Annual AEA-Europe Conference
The 16th Annual AEA-Europe conference was held in Glasgow on November 4-8 featuring over 300 participants. This year’s conference was dedicated to the Assessment and Social Justice.
During a plenary session Professor Bruno Zumbo from the University of British Columbia (Canada) presented the report on ‘Consequences, Side Effects and the Ecology of Testing: Keys to Considering the Assessment in Vivo’. The participants from Cambridge (the UK) and the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (Israel) spoke on the university enrollment based on testing cognitive and non-cognitive skills. Ronny Scherer, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Educational Measurement at the University of Oslo (Norway), gave a speech under the title ‘Problem Solving in the 21st Century: Innovations in Assessment and Psychometric Modeling’.
Staff members of the Center of Education Quality Monitoring Elena Kardanova, Ekaterina Orel and Irina Brun and graduate of the Master’s programme in Educational and Psychological Measurement, student of the University of Porto E. Enchikova presented the following reports:
- Non-cognitive development of first graders and their cognitive progress. Irina Brun, Alina Ivanova, Elena Kardanova,Ekaterina Orel (Center of Education Quality Monitoring, Institute of education, National Research University Higher School of Economics)
- Measuring quality of engineering education in elite and non-elite universities in Russia and China. Elena Kardanova, Ekaterina Enchikova (Higher School of Economics, Russia), Prashant Loyalka (Stanford University, USA)
- Comparing children starting school and their progress during the first school year in Russia and Scotland. Alina Ivanova, Elena Kardanova (HSE, Moscow, Russia), Peter Tymss, Christine Merrell, David Hawker (Durham University, Durham, UK)
According to the centre's staff members, participation in this conference helped them to generate new research ideas, to establish contacts with foreign colleagues and to strengthen the position of Russia in the international educational research.