IOE and DIE Join Forces to Drive Adult Learning
A five-year Cooperation Agreement was signed earlier this May between the HSE Institute of Education (IOE) and German Institute for Adult Education (DIE). The partnership framework involves collaborating on a broad and diverse agenda that is set to usher in new momentum for bolstering and future-proofing the dimension of adult learning in Russia and Germany.
In accordance with the Agreement, the parties have committed to pursue cooperation along two major strands.
The first area to join forces in is enhancing upskilling and reskilling offerings at Russian universities. DIE is expected to be contributing to this domain by sharing the unequalled expertise it has accumulated acting as the key institution for research, politics, and practice in the field of German adult and continuing education and beyond. In turn, the IOE Center for Vocational Education & Skills Development is home to similar expertise in Russia. The Center is the country’s leading think tank and research hub to focus on opportunities in adult learning nation-wide, with its portfolio boasting high-stake assessment and expert support engagements at various levels.
Going forward, IOE is anticipated to set up a brand-new analytics lab that will embark on a broad and multifaceted agenda aiming to upgrade upskilling/reskilling opportunities offered at Russian universities. There is every confidence that partnering with DIE will place IOE uniquely so it can act as a national repository and mediator of global best practices and innovations in the field of adult education.
The other strand of collaboration will focus on exploring how frameworks and mechanisms for recognizing and certifying the skills and qualifications adults obtain as they complete their training for further credentials have been developing across the globe.
“DIE boasts unique, cutting-edge expertise as it represents the only nation-state R&D hub in continuing education and training in Germany. We are delighted at the high regard that our colleagues at DIE have accorded to what we’ve been doing here at IOE as a leading research center in adult education in Russia, and we’re now only more than excited about setting off on our joint pursuits. This newly signed Agreement is in fact another recognition of what we’ve already been able to achieve in the area of R&D and advisory in continuing education, and we are pretty convinced our mutual efforts will spark synergies to further benefit this realm both in Russia and Germany and hopefully even beyond,” Ilya Korshunov, Lead Researcher and Head of the Life-long Learning Group at the IOE Center for Vocational Education & Skills Development has commented.