Exploring How Education Can Better Contribute to Sustainability and Growth
Submissions are now underway to our Annual International Summer School, ‘Education and Development,’ which is slated to take place on the IOE grounds in Moscow, Russia between July 6 and 10, 2020.
Recent years have seen the academic and broader public discourse place more emphasis on education as possibly a powerful vehicle to help break the inequality loop while acting as a fundamental linchpin in promoting sustainability and welfare.
A joint endeavor between IOE and the World Bank since 2019, the Summer School aims to inspire a more critical, multi-prism discussion on how to expand and scale up the role of education in incentivizing social and economic development.
The main goal of the Summer School is to leverage the understanding of students and early-career researchers from various parts of the world about the most important conceptual and practical perspectives across dimensions of educational economics and policy.
By spotlighting specific subnational and national cases alongside evidence from global contexts, the Summer School will share the most relevant research insights and foreground best-practice expertise in how challenges and imperatives that top the agenda of socio-economic development across the globe (i.e., rectifying economic stagnation, fighting poverty and inequity, alleviating social segregation, etc.) can be more meaningfully addressed through education.
Participants are welcome to present individual projects of basic, applied, and experimental research that explore various perspectives in all relevant domains, including education and social policy, educational economics and finance, etc.
In 2020, the School will focus on the following areas and strands:
- Pressing challenges for education policy in the 21st century
- Innovative tools and vehicles in responding to challenges of social and economic development through education
- New trends in the labor market: the key challenges for the education system
- Empowering higher-impact R&D in the field: best practices in designing, conducting, and presenting research and applied projects.
The School faculty are distinguished international experts in education, economics, social policy, etc.:
- Harry Patrinos, Practice Manager for the Europe and Central Asia region at the World Bank Global Education
- Vladimir E. Gimpelson, Professor, Director, Leading Research Fellow at the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies
- Tommaso Agasisti, Full Professor, Politecnico di Milano School of Management
- Suhas Parandekar, Senior Economist, the World Bank
- Isak Froumin, Professor, Head of the HSE Institute of Education.
More about the School, eligibility, and how to apply