To successfully defend a doctoral dissertation, PhD candidates need not only the support of their academic supervisor and close friends and relatives, but also system-wide assistance from the university department or faculty where they study. However, HSE University researchers have found that such support can take different forms and that each has a different effect on how confident a student feels in their ability to successfully defend their dissertation. The results of their study were published in the journal Higher Education Quarterly.
Tag "doctoral programmes"
The British Educational Research Association, BERA, has announced the winners of its Early Career Researchers Award, founded this year to recognize emerging researchers. The new award’s first two winners are Saule Bekova, Research Fellow at theInstitute of Education of the Centre of Sociology of Higher Education, and Binwei Lu of Durham University (UK). In the announcement, the organizing committee praised them as ‘outstanding scholars’ and noted the potential significance of their research for the field of education.
The spring of 2018 heralds a momentous addition to IOE’s graduate curriculum, as a new English-taught PhD track in Educational Measurement & Testing has been launched at the IOE Doctoral Center for Education. The track is slated to welcome its first class in the fall of 2018. International students can apply for Russian government scholarships until March 31, 2018. General application round is from August 1 until September 14.