Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond

Tag "statistical data"

About Three-quarters of Teachers Who Previously Used No Online Resources Now Harness Them

About Three-quarters of Teachers Who Previously Used No Online Resources Now Harness Them
Experts at the HSE Laboratory for Media Communications in Education have come up with findings from a large-scale survey they have conducted in association with the HSE Institute of Education, which aimed to gauge how well school teachers have been able to transition online amid Covid-19 directives that have temporarily shut down conventional learning. In all, 22,600 teachers from 73 Russian regions have been interviewed. The results propose that the overall assessment of how comfortable the Russian teacher corps have found themselves taking instruction to the digital dimension is more optimistic than what was first thought back to when schools had just set about moving online.

Exploring Inequality through the Prism of Lifelong Learning Paths

Since 2012, the HSE Institute of Education has participated in a large-scale international research project, eduLIFE, which aims to give deeper and more conclusive insights into inequality by tracking education life-courses in modern societies.
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