Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond

Tag "expertise"

First International Summer School for Teachers Held at IOE

First International Summer School for Teachers Held at IOE
The year 2018 marks an important addition to IOE’s learning and networking agenda as a new International Summer School on modern L&D design and instructional practices made its debut early this July.

IOE Welcomes Sixth International Summer School on Higher Education Research

IOE Welcomes Sixth International Summer School on Higher Education Research
On June 9–15, the town of Pushkin near St. Petersburg, Russia hosted IOE’s Sixth International Summer School on Multidisciplinary Higher Education Research. Bringing together a premier cohort of accomplished international academics and bright early-career scholars, the 2018 School aimed to take new and deeper perspectives on how higher education can contribute to positive socio-economic change at all levels.

Changes in Education Start with Grassroots Innovations

On June 5, the results of the semifinals in this year’s KIVO International Education Innovation Competition were announced. Held for the fifth straight year since 2014, KIVO is a joint project between IOE and the Rybakov Fund that aims to support grassroots innovations in learning & development. In 2018, an authoritative expert panel has shortlisted 28 best projects out of more than 500 applications filed. The finalists will first take part in an acceleration summer school to be held in Moscow later this June. The competition finals will get underway in the fall of 2018.

‘The Biggest Priority in Education Is World Class Professional Development Programmes’

The report entitled ‘Twelve Solutions for New Education’, prepared by the Higher School of Economics and the Centre for Strategic Development, was presented at the XIX April International Academic Conference. Professors Martin Carnoy and Tommaso Agasisti, international experts on education and conference guests, have shared their views on the issues and initiatives highlighted in the report.

Advanced Training at CITO: Exploring Cutting-edge Concepts in Test Design

A team of test design experts who teach in IOE’s Measurements in Psychology and Education MA have recently traveled to the Netherlands to take up a professional development program with CITO, Europe’s largest center for frontline R&D in educational testing and monitoring.

‘The Digital Revolution is the Key Trend in Education’

‘The Digital Revolution is the Key Trend in Education’
As part of the 2018 Gaidar Economic Forum that was held in Moscow on January 16–18, HSE Rector and Supervisor for Education, Yaroslav Kuzminov, spoke about the changing face of schooling in the digitally driven world and what policy incentives are required to best support this transitional momentum.

IOE Hosts Academic Visit by Prof. Ben Eklof

Dr. Ben Eklof, a Professor at Indiana University’s School of Education and one of HSE’s long-standing academic partners, is visiting at the HSE Institute of Education through mid-March 2018 to contribute to IOE’s R&D projects and advise doctoral students.

How Can We Bring Universities and Businesses Together?

How Can We Bring Universities and Businesses Together?
Closer cooperation between universities and companies can play a vital synergistic role in empowering technological breakthroughs for the Russian economy. HSE Rector and Academic Supervisor for Education Yaroslav Kuzminov discussed the key opportunities and challenges for university–business collaboration in a session of the 2018 Gaidar Economic Forum in Moscow.

IOE Experts Take Part in 7th International Conference on World-Class Universities in China

IOE Experts Take Part in 7th International Conference on World-Class Universities in China
On November 6–8, 2017, China’s Shanghai Jiao Tong University welcomed the 7th International Conference on World-Class Universities (WCU-7). The forum’s special topic was “World-Class Universities: Towards a Global Common Good and Seeking National and Institutional Contributions." IOE experts Isak Froumin and Mikhail Lisyutkin took part in WCU-7 to present about a leading global university’s multi-mission development model. During the visit, a Memorandum of Understanding was also signed between IOE and Zhejiang University’s College of Education.

IOE Holds First Ever International Week of Education Law

IOE Holds First Ever International Week of Education Law
In early October 2017, IOE hosted its first ever International Week of Education Law, a unique venue to take multiple perspectives on the best national and global practices in tackling the most pressing issues in education-related legal frameworks. Inspired and organized by the IOE Centre for Education Law, the event involved a series of talks and expert seminars by world-acclaimed field professionals, including the Centre’s Academic Supervisor Dr. Jan de Groof, Prof. Ingo Richter of Paris Nanterre University, and Prof. Pablo Meix Cereceda of Roma Tre University.