How the social status of the family shapes the education of the child
Tag "research projects"
Students cheat and plagiarize more if they believe most of their classmates to do just all the same. A recent study by Evgeniia Shmeleva and Tatiana Semenova, experts at the IOE Center for Sociology of Higher Education, looks at how factors of learning environment, and specifically the way students perceive the stance towards dishonest practices that their peers espouse, act as modulators of academic dishonesty.
Experts at IOE and Yandex have reported findings from a one-of-a-kind massive joint study that they carried out in association with Stanford and the University of California to evaluate whether and how engaging in practices of e-learning contributes to academic performance in primary school. Completing more assignments online can be specifically of aid in catching up those early-graders who fall behind on math literacy, the study suggests.
On August 22, HSE leaders, including the University Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov and Head of IOE Isak Froumin, met with Jaime Saavedra, Director of the World Bank's Education Global Practice.
An international research team involving IOE has reported findings from a large-scale project that benchmarks the learning outcomes among senior students of Computer Science (CS) at U.S., Indian, Chinese and Russian universities. Based on a unique testing methodology developed by ETS, the study finds that U.S. undergraduates have substantially stronger ability across dimensions of the CS curriculum than their peers from India, China and Russia. The paper has been published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
This February, the OECD Headquarters in Paris welcomed a premier cohort of educational experts from the EU, the USA, Australia, Argentina, Chile, Russia, etc. for a global forum to discuss findings from OECD’s large-scale project that analyzes how the landscapes of educational innovations have been evolving across 40 countries during the past 10 years.