Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond

Tag "research projects"

HSE and Berkeley to Conduct Joint Research

The HSE Institute of Education and the University of California – Berkeley (USA) have signed a memorandum to jointly administer an international Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) Consortium until 2020. The memorandum calls for the two universities to implement a major four-year project on higher education studies involving over 30 universities from various countries.

Student Engagement and Academic Honesty among Topics Covered in Latest Issue of Leading HSE Journal

The beauty of the modern pool of ideas in the field of education lies in its multiple approaches, as well as diverse and occasionally conflicting opinions. As the leading Russian journal on education, Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies offers a space for the professional community worldwide to engage in rich discussion.

Parents' Education Can Hinder Social Mobility for Children

Parents' Education Can Hinder Social Mobility for Children
Families' limited cultural capital can hinder social mobility for their school-age childern and 'doom' them to a particular educational path. Academic performance being comparable, the chances of continuing studies in high school (grades 10 and 11) after nine years of secondary school are unequal for teenagers from families of different socioeconomic status. While children of well-educated and affluent parents usually go on to high school and then to college, their peers from working-class families often switch to vocational school despite good academic performance, thus maintaining socioeconomic inequality.


of junior undergraduate students applied for admission to more than one programme or to more than one university. 

IOE Staff Members at QS Worldwide Conference

Isak Froumin, Academic Supervisor of the Institute of Education presented his keynote address ‘“Accelerated” World-Class Universities: What is Their ‘Secret’ and How It Could Be Measured’ at the event.

New Publications by IOE Staff Members

The article ‘The Plod of Sectorial Higher Education? The Case of Agricultural Universities in Russia’ by  Isak Froumin, Academic Supervisor of the Institute of Education and Sergey Malinovsky, Deputy Head of the Project Laboratory for Universities Development was published in the latest issue of the journal ‘Higher Education in Russia and Beyond’ (HERB). The authors analyze if sectoral approach has a right to exist in the new social reality and market-shaped economy, and what limits and constraints it faces.