Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond

Tag "conferences & seminars"

IOE Experts Take Part in 7th International Conference on World-Class Universities in China

IOE Experts Take Part in 7th International Conference on World-Class Universities in China
On November 6–8, 2017, China’s Shanghai Jiao Tong University welcomed the 7th International Conference on World-Class Universities (WCU-7). The forum’s special topic was “World-Class Universities: Towards a Global Common Good and Seeking National and Institutional Contributions." IOE experts Isak Froumin and Mikhail Lisyutkin took part in WCU-7 to present about a leading global university’s multi-mission development model. During the visit, a Memorandum of Understanding was also signed between IOE and Zhejiang University’s College of Education.

8th RAHER International Conference: Pushing the Frontiers of Higher Education Research

8th RAHER International Conference: Pushing the Frontiers of Higher Education Research
On October 19–21, IOE welcomed the 2017 International Conference by the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers (RAHER). Held for the eighth straight year since 2010, this forum has distinguished itself as a foremost venue for young scholars, accomplished academics, institutional leaders and policy professionals to discuss top-priority agendas in global university development and their implications for broader socioeconomic contexts. This year, the Conference’s special topic was ‘Dynamic Universities for Dynamic World.’

Analyzing Universities in Multilateral Political Contexts

In late August 2017, the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, welcomed the 30th International Conference by the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER). This year, the forum’s special topic was ‘Universities as Political Institutions – HEIs in the Middle of Academic, Economic, and Social Pressures.’ IOE experts Farida Zagirova and Alexey Egorov were presenting at the CHER Annual Conference 2017 about the changing job profiles of university middle managers and the role of HEIs in bolstering community development.

IOE Researchers Speak at 2017 CIES Conference in Atlanta

On March 5–9, 2017, the U.S. city of Atlanta, Georgia hosted the 2017 Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Seeking the most diverse engagement in the venue’s multiple opportunities for expertise exchange, debate, and academic networking, a representative team of experts with IOE’s leading research & advisory centres took part in this year’s CIES event. Presentations were given by Isak Froumin, Oleg Leshukov, Elena Minina, Pavel Sorokin, Zumrad Kataeva, Martin Carnoy, Tatiana Khavenson, and Andrey Zakharov.

IOE Expert Takes Part in International Education Conference in USA

In early March, Senior Researcher with IOE Centre for Higher Education Sociology, Pavel SOROKIN, took part in Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference 2017, which was held in Atlanta, the USA.

IOE Researcher Takes Part in Network Science Conference in Israel

On January 15–18, the HSE Institute of Education doctoral student and junior researcher Ivan Smirnov took part in the NetSci-X International Conference on Network Science.

HSE Scholars at 29 th Consortium of Higher Education Researchers Conference

The Annual Conference of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers, CHER, is a key event in higher education research in Europe. Traditionally, CHER has attracted the best researchers and experts with a unique opportunity to learn about cutting-edge studies in the field, as well as to present their own research to the global community. This year’s conference took place from September 4 to 7, 2016, in Cambridge, England. A group of staff from the HSE Institute of Education took part in the event, including Isak Froumin, Igor Chirikov, Mikhail Lisyutkin, Dmitry Semyonov, Daria Platonova, Ksenia Romanenko, and Tatiana Semenova.

Schools of Education at Research Universities: Challenges, Opportunities, Collaboration

“Schools of Education at Research Universities: Challenges, Opportunities, Collaboration” Summit participants
On June 17–18, Deans of Schools of Education from leading research universities gathered in the town of Pushkin, near St. Petersburg, Russia. The Summit entitled “Schools of Education at Research Universities: Challenges, Opportunities, Collaboration” was organized by the Institute of Education, Higher School of Economics, and the Graduate School of Education, Peking University.

16th Annual AEA-Europe Conference

The 16th Annual AEA-Europe conference, dedicated to the Assessment and Social Justice, was held in Glasgow on November 4-8. Over 300 participants took part in the event this year.

HSE Researchers at the Annual ASHE Conference in Denver

On 4th - 7th November the annual conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, ASHE took place in Denver, Colorado. Incorporated in 1976 ASHE is the oldest professional association in higher education studies and has more than 2,000 members, mostly Americans.