Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond

Tag "students"

The Rise of Cyberbullying: How It Has Come about and What Can Be Done to Rectify the Curve

The Rise of Cyberbullying: How It Has Come about and What Can Be Done to Rectify the Curve
As mobile computing and digital networking have witnessed a spectacular upswing in recent years, cyberbullying has become a pervasive occurrence that afflicts adolescents across dimensions of the modern digital realm. While continual exposures to various forms of harsh treatment online can inflict serious harm to the socio-emotional wellbeing of young people, adults around are mostly unaware of what is happening to the youngsters and often fail to come up with a timely and appropriate remedy. Eventually, as teens grow older, many of them seem to gradually come to terms with cyberbullying. A group of psychologists including IOE expert Alexandra Bochaver have studied what has underpinned the spread of harassment in the digital space and how students themselves perceive it.

How Child’s Phonological Ability Impacts Their Aptitude in Math

How Child’s Phonological Ability Impacts Their Aptitude in Math
A recent study by IOE experts Alina Ivanova, Diana Kaiky and Yulia Kuzmina finds a link between the phonological ability of school starters (e.g., sensitivity to the sound composition of speech, the ability to identify individual sounds and syllables, etc.) and their capacity in math. The socio-economic status of the child’s family turns out to be an important modulator in the phonology–math relationship, the study suggests.

Farida Zagirova: “It Was Such an Amazing Experience Interning at the University of Oslo”

Farida Zagirova: “It Was Such an Amazing Experience Interning at the University of Oslo”
While doing their Doctorate at the HSE Institute of Education, students take research internships with IOE’s world-renowned partner institutions as an important compulsory part of the PhD track. Upon returning to IOE after she had completed her research abroad program at the University of Oslo (Norway), PhD candidate Farida Zagirova was only too glad to talk to IOE News on how this internship opportunity came about and what exactly it contributed to her academic career.

Exploring Student Perceptions of University Mergers

A recent study by IOE expert Ksenia Romanenko looks at how students perceive changes that take place across the academic and organizational domains as a result of university mergers. The paper has been published in the latest issue of Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, a joint project between HSE and Boston College Center of International Higher Education.

IOE Student among Winners of HSE’s Academicus Modus Research Competition

A student team led by Evgeniia Shmeleva, a doctoral hopeful at the HSE Institute of Education, has claimed the victory in this year’s ‘Academicus Modus’ competition of student research papers. The project entitled ‘Control or trust: dishonest online behaviour,’ which is supervised by Evgeniia, seeks to explore possible triggers of peer pressure in online learning, the circumstances that lead to dishonest behavior online, and the role of physical presence in dishonesty.

‘When there’s a good opportunity for a research internship abroad, just don’t miss out’

IOE doctoral student Irina Shcheglova has recently completed her internship with the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the University of California Berkeley (the USA). Immediately after she returned to Moscow, Irina was thrilled to finally share with IOE fellows about the academic experiences she has gained and her overall impressions of this trip.

IOE Student Wins Research Competition at Harvard Business School

IOE Student Wins Research Competition at Harvard Business School
Ekaterina Lyubimova, a student in the IOE-run Higher Education Management Master’s track, has recently won an international research challenge held by Harvard Business School.

'HSE is the Best Choice for Those Who Want to Carry out Research in Education'

Ivan Smirnov graduated from his master’s programme in Paris and hadn’t really considered coming back to Russia. But that was before he learned about the full-time advanced doctoral programme at HSE. The programme has some unique advantages among Russian programmes, which make it comparable to European PhDs.